
Responses from atdavid

The science of opinion ...
Perhaps with all the bloviating and chest pumping, not to mention actual heart surgery (interesting story by the way), you missed my excellent dismissal of your attempted take down where I showed the tool you used in your attempted take down was m... 
The science of opinion ...
Bringing out my handy dandy mirror:- geoffkait with over 18,000 posts is certainly not here to "learn"- thyname with so many posts in so few days with so few topics ... is not here to learn- uberwalz ... 8,000 postsI am honest about what draws me ... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I believe Internet window shopping for audio is probably a whole different psychosis best dealt with in another thread, that crosses over into this thread when you finally pull the trigger; often purely out of emotion, boredom, retail therapy, etc... 
The science of opinion ...
And yet you felt the need to virtue signal your departure. Would you like to take your ball with you too? thecarpathian712 posts11-09-2019 12:15pmZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......You have officially bored me sleep.It was fun for a bit. Now it’s a petty an... 
The science of opinion ...
Maybe I have more to contribute? thyname402 posts11-09-2019 11:37aLook who’s talking about keyboard warriors! You just wrote a thesis, right now. And you just joined Audiogon (under this handle at least), and have already written over 200 posts... 
The science of opinion ...
By the authority invested in the internet, I hereby grant you the ability to say and do whatever you want, within the bounds of local laws and the rules of the platform of your choice, always with the understanding that you accept whatever backlas... 
The science of opinion ...
I think in modern day parlance, what he was doing (pointless blathering) was virtue signalling.  He was trying to signal his virtue, that virtue of being "above it all" while the rest of us are just cretins shouting among ourselves here. The repea... 
The science of opinion ...
Maybe you were up earlier. I think geoff goes to bed at 9pm. I was up early enough, I just have a better handle on what really matters based on the posts I see here.That old adage about the early bird gets the worm, or that early risers are more a... 
The science of opinion ...
I see the usual suspects are overly triggered this morning. I had some fun, got a run, in, had a wonderful breakfast with my wife, and all the while you guys were being keyboard warriors. Priority mates ;-)geoff, please keep insulting the Audio En... 
The science of opinion ...
Nope, left that childish, sexist group ages ago. If I want to see audio porn, I look in front of me. If I want to see a sexy lady, I just have to look down the couch. If I want to whine about how someone on another forum was mean to me, just shoot... 
The science of opinion ...
You like Ethan ....How many times have you posted in a certain FB group angrily about him, not one that he is a member I might add, with cut and paste of other groups? ...  
The science of opinion ...
Knowing how you behave on Facebook, I will pass thank you. If I did, you would be running to Facebook in 5 minutes to tell Ted, I know the obsession you and him have with Ethan. 
The science of opinion ...
The majority of people that buy audiophile equipment read forums, but they don’t post in them. Most people who can afford this stuff are of above average intelligence. My posts are not for the ostriches, they are for everyone else .... if you are ... 
The science of opinion ...
Perhaps they were stringing words together just fine, but you did not understand? And just who have you met?Copy/paste ... no one that has a technical background and experience in this field needs to cut and paste. Conjecture changes by the day, f... 
The science of opinion ...
I laughed when I read this. I had a high end (at the time) Fisher Boom Box (no really, they had some good ones, this one even had a phono input), that I had lent to my girlfriend. When we broke up, it was "displeasure of asking for it back, or jus...