

Responses from asvjerry

Too many cans with no storage!
...at least, in your 'man cave', you could have a deer's head with the 'phones on it's ears.  Have a different 'head' for each of your head-phones.  And it would be kinda amusing to see, since each one has different 'voicing', right?Send me a pict... 
Too many cans with no storage!
Deer horns?!   Unless she's 'into' 'rustic chic' and guns as well, that could be a disaster....and in that scenario, she might pull the trigger, literally.C'mon, guys....a drawer.  Pad the bottom.  Or behind a door in a cabinet that will have a hi... 
Do female audiophiles exist
....'course, that 'enjoyment' can fade just as well as anything else is subject to...there's a lot of it about....;) 
Do female audiophiles exist
They're out there.  Probably not as rare as we'd think.  I suspect that 'they' choose systems without the sturm und drang 'we' subject ourselves to in forums such as AG.  I'd hope they read, audition, select carefully, and enjoy....Just like they ... 
what does a power conditioner really do?
All things considered, I'd rather have unconditional power...Oh, sorry.  Wrong subject...Carry on...;) 
Obscure bands
Sadistic Mika Band...Japanese proto-hentai-punk strangeness...Batdorf & Rodney.The Cache Valley Drifters....there's others, but if I knock more dust off of some of these obscurities, my COPD will act up and nobody will understand the epitaph o... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
Ah, the tempest in the teacup rages on...I'd pay to watch a competitive cable flogging match.  It'd be interesting to see which cable outlasted the others.  Akin to seeing a golf tournament played with slingshots and pool cues...by the pros...just... 
Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?
bdp24...I trust you had some not so kind words for that clerk...or, shall we be kind and say 'cluck'?When I read that, if in your shoes, that gov't. drone would still be picking his/her/it's mental shards off the wall behind him/her/it.  Whatta ru... 
B&W Sold to a Silicon Valley Startup
aleopold & pennsy, we can but hope...but previously we've seen past 'notables' such as AR and Infinity kinda 'lose it'....  There will be survivors, yes, But...Like the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."  Well, we do.  I won't... 
B&W Sold to a Silicon Valley Startup
I think the assembled have stated nearly all of the aspects of this turn of events.  Ultimately the market's contraction and the shift towards 'I-gadget' convenience is going to radically change what is offered and what 'makes the cut' to market. ... 
I got my stereo back after almost 20 years!
Congrats on getting back into it...*G*As for "when I'm 64...", welcome to the club.  As for your hearing not being as it was when you were younger, that comes with age and abuse of whatever you've been about before and in the interm.  Mine isn't e... 
Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?
One good audio 'enhancement' that's been around awhile is one that's inhaled vs. imbibed.  Been rather popular, although only available through 'alternative sources' unless you live in or near Colorado or other 'progressive' states....Like most th... 
How To Improve The Slow Traffic On Audiogon Systems Pages
dbtom2....thanks for the link.  Oldies 'n goodies, and wasn't that my mother....?! *L*1KW amps for home use, Yes.  I MUST wake the neighbors...even if they're a 1/4 mi. away....how Dare they sleep at a time like this...Time?  Time is an asterisk. ;) 
Are Ohm-Walsh micros and 1000 series disrespected because of omni-directional design??
Love the thread content at this point....*S*I'm working on that 'brightness' issue in my own fashion, BTW.  I agree w/Mapman on his observations and feel that the Ohms, new and older, always seemed to lack that 'sheen' that is present with a direc... 
Lawsuits over "dots"
Yup, my walls are breaking out in dots....they tend to swirl around and exit in the corners....kinda colorful, soothing really....Oops....this isn't the hallucinogens forum, is it?  My bad....