

Responses from artemus_5

What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
@mr_m. Its not a matter of repercussion to me. Its a matter of decorum.  
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
Good responses and helpful to someone like me who really doesn't care to do the proverbial dance (dickering) without looking the seller in the eye. Quite honestly, it took me a long time to become comfortable with the process of "bargaining".I lea... 
Conrad Johnson CT5 , 16LS or Herron Audio VTSP- 3A (r03)?
Interesting silence and maybe the reason I could find nothing in a search. Is it that the CJ & Herron are so dissimilar that you either like one or the other?  
I Recapped my Conrad Johnson PFR. Wow! Some of the best $$$ I've spent
@bdp24    In my case I wasn't try to modify but  trying to save a good sounding preamp which has run its lifetime on the caps. My tech (Bill Watkins jr) just uses these caps because they are good...at least that's my understanding.Still, I underst... 
To Equi-Core or Not to Equi-Core? That is the question!
@lak . Thanks for the info. I previously read some threads about Perfect Path TC and the Omega E mat . The question I came upon is if those are the same or similar to the Bybee Qse which are less expensive. Whatever the case, I suspect I still n... 
To Equi-Core or Not to Equi-Core? That is the question!
@erik_squires  Thanks for the links. I've been interested in making 2 zones but I figured I'd need to run another dedicated circuit. I'll check out the links. Hey, I may save some $$$ too.@ronrags  Thanks for sharing your experience with the EC 1800. 
To Equi-Core or Not to Equi-Core? That is the question!
Fwiw I have wondered about putting the Furman on it's side in back of my rack. Any thoughts? 
To Equi-Core or Not to Equi-Core? That is the question!
@erik_squires  Yes I d go for the reference series. However I don't have rack space for it. I'm stuck with a power strip type in back of the rack or the EC 1800 which will fit in the available space 
Can anyone hear the difference when you add REL subwoofers when playing two channel
I had a Rel Storm 3 in my system for many years. I now have 2 Sumiko S-10 (Rel S5 clone). Fantastic subs and add much more than just bass as mmeeks & others have said. Earlier Rels had even  lower power amps. The Storm 3 only had 150 watts. It... 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
@noble100  There;'s no question as to what I like. The question is where to find it at a cost I can afford. 
lack of bass
@suhila. You say" i must say that the tracks were taken from the web so i dont know how good they are."Maybe you are listening to Mp3 tracks which are 128 , 192 kbps. ? That what it sounds like to me. Mp3's cut at that rate often sound anemic in ... 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
@millercarbon Indeed all those things come into play. It is a celebration. But I've always been curious about man's actions....especially those which seem inconsistent.To the rest: Its good to be in such good company 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
@dweller  Thanks for putting the positive spin on it.  You are right in that I wanted to know what more tubes will do. And when my wife asks why, I'll inform her that I am a scientist (I didn't think of that before) 
Best Buy & Walmart also have vinyl now. Both just throw the albums in the rack willy nilly w/o alphabetizing them.  So if you are looking for a particular artist/album, you have to look through all of them. I walked out.  
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
@2psyop I plan on getting the hearing taken care of soon. Like you say, it improves quality of life. If music sounds better, then that's a plus.