

Responses from artemus_5

How Science Got Sound Wrong
@teo_audio   Add to that the fact that we only have 4% of the universe from which to get answers and you have a real dilemma. I'm often amused at those who talk so confidently of their knowledge. The older I get the more questions arise...though I... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Geez. No wonder these boards are dead. There are several here who belong over there in Audio Science Review with the rest of the know it alls. Quit the pissing contest. No one has all the answers and that includes science.  
How Science Got Sound Wrong
BTW @atdavid. Have you REALLY posted 367 times since Oct 30., 19? That may be a record. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Thanks for all the input. It had been about a month ago when I first read the article. FWIW, I am not  an electronics  tech or engineer. I am a music lover who loves to hear it as good as what I can afford. Many of you have given technical reasons... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
@erik_squires This really yanks your crank doesn't it? I knew noting about "Head Related Transfer Functions." etc and actually learned something from the article. He has a PhD and maybe had to write a book.  
DIY Phono Loading Plugs Question
@chakster @pryso  Since mine didn't come with a 47K plug I figured that was the default loading. I have it switched to high gain. Again with no problems. FWIW both my wife and I liked it better without loading. Bigger  soundstage. The 470ohm plug ... 
DIY Phono Loading Plugs Question
@chakster I thought you also had the JLTi. I was using the 470 ohm plug which came with mine. I also got a 100 ohm with it. So I may be goodI think you have the later JLTi from Australia. I see Mr Rasmussen has "updated" the JLTI. I’ve wondered if... 
DIY Phono Loading Plugs Question
@chakster  OK I found my Zyx box and spec sheet. It listed >100 ohm which I assume means over 100. I was using the 470 ohm which came with the phono preamp. So I may not need to make any other plugs after all. Preamp (JLTi) came with  100 &... 
DIY Phono Loading Plugs Question
@millercarbon, I pretty much knew the answer when I asked the question. But I had to ask just to make sure. 
sellers trying to sell used product for 10-20% off of list price
We have entered an age of marketing in which every seller expects that the buyer will offer them 25%-30% lower than the posted price. So they jack up the price to ridiculous number and when they drop down to a reasonable price the customer is supp... 
Who remembers audio from the time when ...
When I was 8-10 yrs old I got a $2 allowance. I went directly to the record store and bought 2 45's @ $1 apiece. Got to hear them play before I bought them too. Then home to wear them out with my cheap "record player" I didn't get a decent stereo ... 
Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment
Im surprised that no one has mentioned the Harmon Kardon Twin Power 730 or its smaller brothers, 430 or 330. I bought one in '78. I recently fired it up and was shocked at how big the sound is. 
Phono Preamp
I'm not sure the JLTi has to take a back seat to the Herron. The thread which got me looking at the JLTi was a shootout conducted  and attended by several other audiophiles, including Jay @ Audio Revelation. They all concluded that the JLTi was th... 
Phono Preamp
@slimpikins5 has given good advice. Any system is only as good as its weakest link. The phono preamp handles the most delicate signal in the chain. A good phono stage is imperative and will make a big difference. I have a JLTi which is made in Aus... 
Need Some Tube Amp Advice
Another contender is Bob Latino's VTA Dynaco ST-70. 35wpc uses EL34, 6L6, KT-66, 77, or 88's. Sounds fantastic and inexpensive. I've had mine for 10 yrs and am more impressed with it all the time.