Responses from andy2
Audio Engineering Society and cables Do I really need a "paper" to tell me cables sound different? Definitely a waste of time. | |
Morrow Audio related to Audiogon? Why so many emails? Why are they always 40% off? Maybe they are 40% more expensive to start with. | |
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers The fundamental question I have is that if the original recording only mixes the soundstage within the speaker boundary, then can your system playback have a soundstage that is beyond the speakers? | |
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables I got a question for you guys. If we use silver speaker cables, the sound will tend to sound a bit on the bright side right.What if you use a silver power cable, will the sound be bright as well? | |
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables exercise in futility going through puberty can tough eh? | |
Electrical circuit "noise" Hi OP,Out of curiosity, how do you "disaggregate" all the jumble of noise from different appliances? Is it in the frequency response signature?How do you detect early sign of failure? Appliances usually don't fail. I mean our refrigerator, wash... | |
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables After reading through a few of your posts it’s pretty obvious that you don’t have much of a clue about Audio. I guess you do. Maybe you can educate the rest of us, young Luke? | |
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables Give him a break. With only 16 posts, I mean he's just going through puberty. | |
In term of construction, what's the difference between cheap vs. expensive power cables PS Audio said that a good PC Cable lowers the overall impedance and it seems to make sense. Of course the impedance varies with frequency so it's just not DC impedance. | |
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again... It's kind of a interesting phenomenal. Someone with only a few posts making all the noise. First it was the yessomething guy, now it's snratio. | |
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again... Just curious...What does a doctor know about hearing? Aren't they all come from the same guy lols. | |
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again... Just curious, what does a physicist know about cable? Announcing oneself to be a physicist is somewhat of a give away. | |
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again... If you hear a difference but your measurement instruments are saying no difference, then there is something wrong with the way you measure. You don't go to your doctor to have your ears checked. That would be a bit odd. I don't know of anyone w... | |
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers By the way, how far are you guys sitting from your speakers? I think the closer you are, the wider the soundstage? | |
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers I am not a recording engineer so I don't know the different classification of sound mixing. For example, at the beginning of Pink Floy Welcome to the Machine, there is some type of sound affect coming way from the right side and if you're speaker... |