
Responses from analogluvr

Tonearm microphonics
Infection what I have done is used some of the plumbers teflon tape and wrapped the arm tube. It improved the sound so I left it. I would try that. If it sounds worse remove it or some of it. And Raul is right. It is like a microphone and I wouldn... 
Conrad Johnson--does anyone use this brand anymore?
Regarding people's worry about the companies future, I wouldn't stress about it. It's tube electronics any competent tech should be able to fix it.  
Journey ending speakers
Ctsooner  i'm glad you love your vandersteens  but I had to chime in and correct your statements. All these so-called advances in materials are mostly bunk.   A good old paper driver is still king for musicality. You can assemble a system with eig... 
Coherent Speakers from Canada
 I have heard two models out of the lineup under show conditions at the Toronto audio show. I have heard both the 12 inch in the 15 inch. My strong favourite was the 15 inch. They are very similar to Tannoy.  The first year I heard them was with t... 
If bi-amping is so great, why do some high end speakers not support it?
 Plenty of RCA connections have shields.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
 Or should I say "signal enhancer".  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
 Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.  
Allnic 1201 and Herron VTPH-2
With regards to the allnic having the superior transformer, the Herron uses fets for its low output first stage, which is a better way to do things imho.  
Review: EXACTPOWER EP15A Tweak
That would be great! 
Review: EXACTPOWER EP15A Tweak
 has anyone replaced the capacitor's that Steve age is talking about? Or has anyone had any luck getting a hold of him and or getting a schematic? I emailed him through his website but have not received a response.  he mentions  two 100 uf caps in... 
Top resistors
If liquid metal really is the cats meow then it should work better for low level signals. From what I understand it is a tin/mercury slurry, both of which are not great conductors, or i should say, not the best conductors.  
Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty
No most tube amps are not light on bass. In fact I find them to do bass much better than solid-state amps. It's true solid-state is tighter but does not sound natural to my ears.  
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
 It doesn't vary by a lot but it is still annoying  
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
 My only beef with it is that it does not keep consistent azimuth  across the record.  
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
 Are use and early 12 inch version of the WT arm and it works very very well. I think the idea being that the silicone is Rigid enough that the fine movements of the stylus are not going to knock it out of place.