
Responses from akgwhiz

Maybe this is the winter you build something!
@tim_p, as someone who lives in Alaska, you and @larsman aren't too far off from that reality.  She's a long cold one here, ol' winter.    
Maybe this is the winter you build something!
Erik, I love the encouragement and enthusiasm.  So I've done the things I'm comfortable with or need.  Equipment rack furniture, speaker cables and ICs.  But I could be nudged to go outside my comfort zone for an electronic piece.  Don't need it b... 
Is blasphemous Music ok?
@tylermunns, agreed.  But zero death and destruction with billions of people on the planet is never gonna happen.  I'm responding to the use of the superlative word "worst".  It's a clearly biased point that uses that word, and that trope.  And de... 
Is blasphemous Music ok?
Religion as worst thing ever?  Some numbers.  China Moa 60 million dead.  Russia Stalin, 14 million.  Cambodia Pol Pot 7 million.  That's the medal podium and just the 20th century, just internal civil wars over a secular principal.  I'm seeing a ... 
Is blasphemous Music ok?
And I thought the OP was thinking of artists like Dred Zeppelin.  Actually, they are quite the musicians!  The real Zep' members were quite complimentary of their covers.  Sorry to interrupt.       
How Audiphiles are Different
Some excellent points being made.  Agree with points of OP.  I think an important take away is that even expert advice may not be suitable for anyone else except those that "hear" like they do.  Unless the two parties know each others' style of li... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
@erik_squires you know, your comment succinctly explains alot of those bang-head-on-table discussions we've all had with colleagues that we seem to just not "get".  It also explains much about all of the types of contributors here and their viewpo... 
Interesting ASR review of small GR Research speaker kit
Whew, for a moment I thought this was Raven vs PL Part Deux.    BTW, I have a well designed "kit" set of speakers and I think they are stunning but that's just me.  Less $ too.    
Chill Out; Get Outside of yourself
@whart,  Welcome!  You can tell by my alias I live here.  We go "outside" for the shoulder seasons but it's otherwise hard to leave.  Every day can be an epic day if you try.  Just don't try to audition audio equipment Lol.    
Too many choices for R2R DACS--opinions appreciated
Consider those with a tube.  It's another level of adjustability and mine only needs one.  $30 to maybe $150 per tube.  Lots of choices in them.  Impart sound from lush and warm to crisp and dynamic.  Tubes in this device startled me as to how muc... 
recommended speaker cables and interconnects
Look at materials and construction style.  +Zanfino.  Wireworld describes each series very well to see this.  Educational.  Usually, OCC $$$ better than OFC $$.  Teflon/PTFE and cotton better than PVC for lead insulation.  Connectors matter too.  ... 
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
I used to use a 90's Sony ES, HT 5.1 amp to run my DIY (morel drivers) speakers and sub.  It was pre-HDMI and lacked other now commonly found  features that i needed.  I then started my first dedicated 2CH system with that Sony amp in Direct mode ... 
Which tube spots for which affects?
Lots of good knowledge and experience here.  Thanks.  When I ordered mine I opted for a slight upgrade in the preamp, to NOS GEs.  In the power pre-stage I took their advice to go better for some Brimar NOS tubes.  They didn't put too much stock i... 
Looking for pure copper or Cu/Au bananas
Should I?  All kidding aside, I offered that as encouragement to "other folk" to not avoid solder.  Your reason for the choice  wasn't stated.  I'm a rank beginner DIY unlike others here.  Among the posters here, there are a handful I always read ... 
Looking for pure copper or Cu/Au bananas
Erik, after my first time DIY IC cable build I'd agree that soldering (well) can be hard, but it IS definitely hard for KLEI RCAs.  However the bananas are quite easy if you use the toothpick trick i was given.  Just jam it inside the solder tube ...