
Responses from aball

First round of auditions disappointing
Well I hate to tell you but unless you heard each pair of speaker with all the same equipment and in the right positions, you can't compare them in relative terms. Also, in my experience, many dealers can't properly setup a system so you can't com... 
How to Preserve New Shiny Banana Speaker Ends?
Strange because my MIT cables are 6 years old and have shiny gold on them with no sign of oxidation anywhere. And I haven't seen any other of my cables go black. Besides, it is very tough to oxidize gold - in fact, it has the lowest tendency to re... 
Will the ipod be the death of the CD?
CD users of tomorrow are like vinyl users of today. History may well continue to repeat itself.Arthur 
Review: Kora Electronics Kora Explorer 150 SB Tube amp
Funny enough, I had another 150SB integrated in my system last week. My thoughts still hold - it is amazingly good. However we put it in my local audio buddy's system and it didn't sound that good - too much bass which made the mids sound thin and... 
The proverbial "giant killer"
I don't believe there is such a thing as a "giant killer." You have to match any speaker to the room and then match the amplifier to the speaker. You can take a very expensive speaker and make it sound bad very easily. OTOH, you can take a moderat... 
Ever discover good sound right under your nose?
The room plays the largest role in the sound of your stereo. No question. Changing rooms always yields drastic sound changes - and sometimes for the better!But as for your second question, we bought a $35 solid-state Fisher receiver from the 1970s... 
Audio Icon/Idol - Who would you like to meet?
Herve Delatraz from Dartzeel for his discovery of the subtle tiny overlooked details that are required in layout of a circuit to produce one of the best sounding amps of the world. It took him decades to design it and I would love to hear more abo... 
Do these speakers exist?
A 20W SET on Thiels won't work at any volume higher than a murmur. I think you need to check out Vandersteen. All their higher-end models fit your criteria - even #2.Arthur 
Opinions on Cayin A70 or Unison Sinfonia?
I called the US importer, VAS, and they confirmed that all 70Ts in the US are 55W per channel. They are specially made for the US market to accomodate the larger living spaces found here (as compared to those in Asia and Europe).Arthur 
What pre/power amp for jm lab Mezzo's
McIntosh on JM Labs is always magical. I have loved that combo for years.Arthur 
New prodcution tubes in Jolida JD100, any luck?
I had two JD100s as well. One of them came with Sovteks and the other had no lettering on them at all (although they sounded just like the Sovteks). The Sovteks were ok but lacked transparency. Electro Harmonix were the best of the new tubes I hav... 
Mcintosh C220 pre
Definately wait until you know what you have before tube rolling. You will stagger around aimlessly otherwise. There is no rush - only time to learn. Take it easy and enjoy your excellent preamp.Arthur 
Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?
Awesome post!! "Is your wife the best one??" I always wanted to ask that to all those best-seeking audiophiles. 
Preamplifier: Yes or NO ?
A "Yes" for me. I have never gotten good results without one - despite having amps and CD players with volume controls. But this will always be system dependant so there is surely no absolute answer. Arthur 
How to best isolate TT from vibration?
IMO, your Vibrapods are much too hard. I am not familiar with your turntable but unless it weighs 128 lbs., 8 #4s is too much and they are doing you no good whatsoever. I would suggest you try some #1 (maybe #2) and I bet that will solve your prob...