
Responses from aball

new Paradigm Reference?
I replaced a pair of B&W N804s with my 100s and have never looked back eventhough the cabinet of the 804s was much nicer than the 100s, as you said. You will not be disappointed with the 100s however. Arthur 
What is next after Paradigm Studio S-40
Definately try the Studio 100.2s if you have the room. I am simply amazed by them - best purchase ever in terms of quality of sound and value in my system. I cannot get enough of them. BTW, I wouldn't wait for the MUCH more expensive new versions.... 
Pass Labs 2.5 or Mark Levinson 26
I don't know which is best for you but the Pass X2.5 really looks super cool. I downloaded the manual and love its features and abilities. Not familiar with the ML 26, however I generally stick with the same brand for amp and pre just to avoid mis... 
Is the Mcintosh MVP is a good player for the $3500
Yeah, really. I have never seen a bad picture from a McIntosh 831 so I can't imagine anything less from the 851. You will have to see for yourself, but the McIntosh is a very very fine piece of equipement - there is nothing less than excellent abo... 
Amp/Int. Amp to smooth the highs...
Masters of smoothness in my experience are McIntosh amps. I looked a long time for that smoothness and Mc gives it to me in spades. I can listen all day with constant goose-bumps. love it! The highs are as nice as I have ever heard (except for Pas... 
integrated amp question
Several Maggie owners have posted here before that McIntoshes sound excellent with them. Check the archives - there are many threads like this for Maggies. The McIntosh MA6450 may just be your ticket. It has way more power than the spec sheet impl... 
new Paradigm Reference?
Just a hunch but I think Paradigm is going to think "if it ain't broken, why fix it?" when moving on to the new generation, keeping most of the innards the same. However now they can jack the price up to where everyone says it should have been for... 
SACD with remote volume avaliable?
Both of my Sony ES 5 disc players have it. I don't know for sure if the 555/777 have it or not but I would bet they do since my previous generation ones have it. Sorry I can't be more definate. Arthur 
Speakers/Cables to go w/ Audio Aero and McIntosh
I like MIT cables with my SS McIntosh but I have auditioned Cardas neutral reference with the Mc2000+C2200 (on Vandersteen 5) and it was so magnificent I have to suggest it for your tubes. MIT may be too warm for all tubes. What preamp do you have... 
help with budget, low power speaker selection
Check out Omega speakers at www.omegaloudspeakers.com. I had a pair of TS1 (96dB sens.) and they really do very well for the price. Build quality is outstanding to boot. Also look at the Coincident Technology Triumphs. Very nice sounding monitors ... 
Norh SE9 or Jolida tube intergrated.....
I stand corrected. I think actually that the Orchid is the same way (a SEP). Either way, a single-ended amp will have different requirements than a push-pull, which was my main point. Overall, I would probably go with Antique Sound labs for low co... 
'newer' Integrated Vs. 'older' Separates
I personally like Classe over ARC but I have not heard a ton of ARC either so my statement may be unfair (100.2 and VS55 recently). I am more familiar with Classe and find that the sound, to my ears anyway, is not too laid back nor is it in your f... 
Norh SE9 or Jolida tube intergrated.....
It will be hard to compare the SE9 to the Jolida since they use totally different approaches. The SE9 is a SET low power tube and the Jolida is PP higher power. I haven't heard the Se9 but the Jolida 202 and 502 sound very good for the price. So d... 
Best used 5 channel amp for under $3k?
Sounds like you made the right choice in pairing up warm speakers with cool amp. Synergy like that is the most important factor - glad you saw through the fog ;). I had a Krell KSA100 that I thought was nice but I ended up selling it for a warmer ... 
Omega ts1 loudspeakers.....
I owned the TS1 speakers and really liked them but had to sell them for extraneous reasons. I agree with Twl 100% in his 1st paragraph as it fit the TS1 perfectly. Arthur