

Responses from 2psyop

Magnepan 1.7i - Is a Luxman 505UX good enough
My opinion is that the 1.7i will sound very good, but not optimal. I think you need lots of current. I would look for a dual-mono amp.That usually means more $$. But I have heard that 1.7's sound best with the powerful amps. 
What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?
Magnepan is one of those companies that make a product that people either Iuv or hate.I have the MMGs and about half the people who have listened to them in my home have been astonished at the clarity of the sound. For some who don't think they ha... 
Is the move up to Parasound Halo A21 worth it?
I had a boutique amp and preamp for which I saved all my pennies to get. I really had a big desire for this sought after combo. When I finally got it I had problems with noise and after many, many months sold the gear. I had an older Parasound 5 c... 
What is the best iPod base?
Pure I-20 
Five "Golden Rules" of HiFi?
1. Don't believe in the HYPE of a particular brand or audio company.2. Check your hearing with a hearing test.3. Listen to what you want to buy FIRST.4. Are you an equipment loving person or a music loving person?5. You can get a great audio syste... 
Most underrated Audio Manufacturers
Line Magnetic AudioParasoundVandersteenMagnepanSchiit Audio 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
OMG. Eva Cassidy. She is incredible. 
Most overrated audio manufacturers?
Odyssey Audio 
Which components are "stupid good"?
Magnepan MMGs (best sounding budget speakers) 
Help? Stereo for art studio, under $1k
I would look into a Pure I-20 dock for your Iphone. If you get a decent DAC, you will be amazed at the sound you can get. But the DAC inside the Pure is good as well. Go with Tidal or Spotify as a music source, but you can still listen to the musi... 
Magnepan MMG........amazing
I have them. Great sound. Luv it. Wonderful for vocals and jazz. Yeah for the price. TREMENDOUS. I would like to get 1.7i or 3.7i. You need alot of power and current to get the best sound IMHO. 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
I would get Magnepan 3.7i and the best tight subwoofers and crossover I could find. Maybe twin server subs like REL or GR research. I would have lots of money left over.Also I really like the Volti Audio Vittora 5 piece speaker system with a tube ... 
Best budget DAC
Schiit Bifrost Uber. It equals or betters my older Benchmark USB DAC1. 
Glad we still have 'brick and mortar', and good owners for gear
I really agree with this. I think B&M stores have a valuable place in audio buying.I have a dealer now that really takes care of the customer. I had two pieces of audio with issues. He took care of it rather quickly.On the other hand, I had an... 
Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players
I have been a fan of any CD or Universal player that has an output for an external DAC.I don't play SACDs, just CDs. I have found that every couple of years the DACs get better, and as such the CDs sound better. So I guess I like the idea of swapp...