Responses from 2psyop
Best speakers for $3000 Magnepan 1.7i and DWM hands down for jazz!!!! | |
Vandersteen 2CE sig II first run or current?.... I have the 2CE Sig II and really like it. I have MMG's in another audio system. The only thing I don't is the lack of low to very low tight bass. But that would come if I spent more money. In the future I might add a tight sub, maybe a REL. But mo... | |
Bryston 4B SST2 or Benchmark AHB2 For what it is worth, Bryston has a stellar reputation for performance and customer service. Plus the amps they make have very good current capacity. | |
Classe CA200 vs. Parasound Halo A21 Parasound A21 is very good for the price. I think the Classe is in a different league. The kind of speakers you have should play the biggest role in your decision. If they are current hungry, the amp with the most current or capacity should be the... | |
Denon to Parasound I'll chime in as somebody that has owned both an Odyssey Stratos and a Parasound a21. The Parasound was much better and they do have a stellar rep. Even though the Odyssey is built in America, good luck getting it worked on since Klaus is so back ... | |
How important is customer service in your decision to pick an audio product (company)? Wow knghifi. That is great CS from ARC. Nice to know. Also tarp38, I had heard Bryston gives great service as well. | |
Speaker help under $2,500 Vandersteen 2CE Sig II or Magnepan 1.7 | |
I s Benchmark the "Benchmark" I have a DAC1 USB. I use the digital optical. I like it alot. But I purchased a Schiit Bifrost Uber which was 1/2 the price some 10 year later and I like it as much. | |
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced I have a Parasound A21 and a Line Magnetic 216 Integrated Tube amp in another system. So I agree with those who have listed these two. Just great products. | |
Chinese integrated for around $1k Get a used Line Magnetic Audio. I have a 216IA and it is the best audio piece I have, out of three audio systems. | |
B&K and Vandersteen Good match?? The great thing about that speaker is that it sounds very good with all kinds of amps. I have driven it with 28 tube watts and 300 SS watts. Still sounds great as long as the source and electronics are quality. | |
Ayre & Vandersteen I agree with Oros. I have a Line Magnetic Audio 216IA and it makes the 2CE Sig IIs sing. I also have a Parasound A21 that drives about 300 watts to those speakers as well when I swap them. I cannot tell the difference, both sound great. I would gi... | |
help me decide speakers for two channel audio I'll second the Vandersteen 5. But I would not buy a speaker of this quality with a listen first. | |
IPod to home stereo - How to get best sound? Grege has the right idea. Pure I-20 dock, to DAC, (I use a Schiit Bifrost or Bencmark USB DAC1) to preamp or amp. | |
$1k preamp for McCormack DNA-125 recommendations? I am using a benchmark DAC1USB as my preamp. I thought about getting a preamp, but why use the extra component when the sound is much better going from source to DAC to amp?BTW I HAD used a very nice tube preamp (odyssey candela)vs. the dac to amp... |