

Responses from 2psyop

Help? Stereo for art studio, under $1k
I would look into a Pure I-20 dock for your Iphone. If you get a decent DAC, you will be amazed at the sound you can get. But the DAC inside the Pure is good as well. Go with Tidal or Spotify as a music source, but you can still listen to the musi... 
Magnepan MMG........amazing
I have them. Great sound. Luv it. Wonderful for vocals and jazz. Yeah for the price. TREMENDOUS. I would like to get 1.7i or 3.7i. You need alot of power and current to get the best sound IMHO. 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
I would get Magnepan 3.7i and the best tight subwoofers and crossover I could find. Maybe twin server subs like REL or GR research. I would have lots of money left over.Also I really like the Volti Audio Vittora 5 piece speaker system with a tube ... 
Best budget DAC
Schiit Bifrost Uber. It equals or betters my older Benchmark USB DAC1. 
Glad we still have 'brick and mortar', and good owners for gear
I really agree with this. I think B&M stores have a valuable place in audio buying.I have a dealer now that really takes care of the customer. I had two pieces of audio with issues. He took care of it rather quickly.On the other hand, I had an... 
Universal Players vs. Dedicated CD/SACD Players
I have been a fan of any CD or Universal player that has an output for an external DAC.I don't play SACDs, just CDs. I have found that every couple of years the DACs get better, and as such the CDs sound better. So I guess I like the idea of swapp... 
Simple question, best sounding inexpensive DAC.
Ive got the Bifrost Uber. Very musical. I use the optical in from a quality CD spinner. I also use an optical switch and with that I can also toggle over to a Pure I20 dock and use my Iphone to play Tidal or Spotify through the Bifrost. Sounds ver... 
are magnepan mmg any good and intergrated amp suggestion for them
I have two systems. In one I have MMGs paired with a Parasound A21 and it’s a great match. I had them connected to my tube amp, but I think they draw too much power or current from the amp. 
Classe CA200 vs. Parasound Halo A21
OEMId lay a bet you are going to fall in luv with that Classe amp. Nice decision and I have the A21, so I have respect for both brands. 
Tube Integrated Amp - Help Please
I'm with jldouglasI have the LM Audio 216ia and really Iuv it. But you'd go up a model or two. I had the SET one for a few months and it really was sweet. WilliamBTW my dealer has given me perfect customer service on the LM Audio 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
The opinions here are great, but the prices are all over the map.I have a Parasound A21 which sounds great and is what I can afford.I heard a Musical Fidelity M6 500I integrated amp a few years backand it sounded glorious for around $5K.I might wa... 
Parasound A21 or Odyssey Stratus
You may have made this decision, so if you have great! But if you have not I will give my thoughts.I had an Odyssey system with a Stratos amp. I am one of a few who had issues with the gear. Low buzzing sound coming from the amp. Although Klauz is... 
Best speakers for $3000
Magnepan 1.7i and DWM hands down for jazz!!!! 
Vandersteen 2CE sig II first run or current?....
I have the 2CE Sig II and really like it. I have MMG's in another audio system. The only thing I don't is the lack of low to very low tight bass. But that would come if I spent more money. In the future I might add a tight sub, maybe a REL. But mo... 
Bryston 4B SST2 or Benchmark AHB2
For what it is worth, Bryston has a stellar reputation for performance and customer service. Plus the amps they make have very good current capacity.