
Responses from 2channel8

What's your latest album purchase?
My first real bargain find in the pre-owned realm:Robert Palmer's "Clues", the promotional use only edition in mint condition. I paid $4 at a local tobacco/news store that recently put a few boxes of vinyl and a small sign in the front window. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
This is a useful discussion for someone who is unhappy with their system's sound or who has been debating spending a boatload on cables.'Tis an ancient debate and will never be settled in the court of critical listening although I think it gas in ... 
Quack System Upgrades
"No comments about the Shun Mook record clamp at $3,200?'This extra heavy century old ebony root which were immersed in the swamps of Africa has a unique power that no other wood possesses" That claim has to be a criminal offense in some jurisdic... 
Schiit taking orders (as of Dec 23) on Freya preamp
With a Mani, a Ragnarok, and a Saga or Freya one could have a system that was pure Schiit. I'm 1/3 there.(mea culpa) 
Quack System Upgrades
@mikethehunterguy: " A good whisky is the best tweak ever."I disagree. Now that I remember, the best tweak I ever heard was joint of some mystery pot that a biker tipped me in the late '60s. When I smoked it in my room and put Led Zep II on my ch... 
Quack System Upgrades
I don't have any funny stuff today. I do have some observations and questions.I used to think that cable break-in was a fairy tale. Now I'm not so sure. I got a new phono cable a few months ago. Not expensive; but made with very different specs th... 
Whats playing on your system today?
All the LPs I'm re-cleaning with a better method. 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
The hard acrylic mat          The hard acrylic mat represents a significant improvement with respect to the original Oracle Groove Isolator that was used by Oracle until the end of the 80’s. The acrylic mat is machined with a slightly concave surf... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
@atmasphere I assume you are referring to Oracle's newer acrylic platter mat. I have the original Groove Isolator on my Alex. Would the new mat make a significant improvement? (clearly discernable with mid-fi electronics and hi-fi speakers) Most o... 
5 most recognizable voices in American music?
I'm a little surprised that no one cited Bobby Darin. Didn't his "Mack the Knife" hold the record for most played single on American radio for decades?@bdp24 , He also played "Then He Kissed Me" for one interviewer and proclaimed "That's the sound... 
Best recording of Mack the Knife Bobby Darin
It's sure not "That's All"! 
What's been playing on your turntable and what turntable is it ?
Nothing on my Oracle Alexandria for the past week! My daughter's dog is visiting and guess where the beloved, but shedding beast sleeps. So I've been confined to CDs.I want to encourage any and all rock and R&B fans to buy INTRODUCING DARLENE ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
@oregonpapa 1) Thanks for the welcome and advice.2) I was only gonna try it for a few minutes. ;^)3) Don't tell my insurance company!Happy Holidays!I'm listening to the Harry Belafonte Christmas CD as I cook Octopus sauce for a generations old tra... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
As a newbie, if I wanted to try a premium fuse to see if I can hear an improvement, where would be the place to start - with source components, pre-amp, or amp? Or maybe I could try removing the fuses and closing the circuit with copper temporaril... 
List of albums that will still be popular 50 years from now...
Interesting, dragunski. I've recently listened to a few Swing and Big Band pieces from the '40s and '50s. I think future generations who compare that music to Rock & Roll may think that the former is much more avant guard and extreme.