
Responses from 2channel8

Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
Not to steal OP's thread; but.....I think I better not do the Belles. My left ear sometimes gives me some trouble. For the last 3 days it has been reminding me that whatever I get has to have adjustable balance. I am intrigued by the Primare i32 l... 
CDP recommendation for Creek Classic 5350se
The Creek Classic 5350SE took about 2 weeks to open up. I was surprised by that. I thought it just wasn't as good as my Rotel for a long time. It finally surpassed the Rotel; but by that time my heart had been stolen by the Belles Aria. So the Cre... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Eva Cassidy "Imagine".Sweet! 
Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
I've been searching for used for about 4 months and haven't found any. However, I did spot a Krell S-300i for considerably less than the Belles that has given me pause. 
Newbie looking for amplifier advice
Andysingh, It's been 4 months.Have you made a decision? How did it turn out?I am seriously considering the Belles! But then I couldn't give a crap about streaming. ;^) 
Integrated vs Separates, New vs Used - Rogue Audio, Simaudio, McIntosh??? Input Needed!
I am in a similar situation to OP. Looking to upgrade from a Rotel RX-1052 to drive my Canton Ergo 1002DCs. I had a Creek Classic 5350SE on loan. It took a long time to open up; but it is a significant step up from the Rotel. It might be awesome w... 
Canton Reference Any opininion?
What are you using to drive your Cantons? 
Best produced rock albums.........
Well it seems we are not restricting the nominees strictly to rock. I see quite a bit of jazz and country, so I'll take some license as well:Bill Withers - Greatest Hits, ColumbiaCowboy Junkies - Everything! My favorite is Lay It DownRickie Lee Jo... 
Jumpers for Integrated Amps: What are you guys using?
Very helpful! I'll try copper ICs on my Rotel before I decide to keep the Creek. 
Jumpers for Integrated Amps: What are you guys using?
@jsbach1685 I see a 5350SE newly listed elsewhere. What happened?jpjqco at gmail 
Suggested Jumpers for Integrated amps?
What the hell was Doug's lesson? The URL is dead. I can't see spending $100 on the Jena Labs Super Jumper!!! I can make it for $35 using Neutrik NF2Cs. 
Jumpers for Integrated Amps: What are you guys using?
JSBACH, Wow! I, too recently acquired a Creek 5350SE; so I'm really, really, really anxious to  read your observations! How do you like it so far? What were you using before?I have about 20 days to decide to keep mine or stick with my Rotel RX-105... 
Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey
I understand. A dear friend of mine has MS. Hang in there. 
Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey
@ctsooner , I took your handle and changed sooner to stoner with a T, which is slang for someone who smokes a lot of marijuana, or so I'm told. :) 
Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey
@bigkidz , I wish you would spend some time with John Rutan at Audioconnection. He isn't like a dealer, but a kindred spirit. "He really is! He's even got free used LPs and CDs in the store. He hosted a local meeting of audio nuts, he stopped me...