
Responses from 2channel8

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Just finished cleaning my old copy of CS&N. Thought I'd give it a listen after so many years. I wonder if I wore it out in my teens. Suite Judy Blue Eyes! 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
I have to laugh when someone writes that a media is dead. I don't give a rat's a$$. I have over 100 LPs, 80 CDs, a few SACDs, DVD-As and HDCDs. I am not going to put them in the trash no matter what. I got a better TT and cartridge last year. I en... 
Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?
@mmporsche You seem to know what you are doing and how to do it.To answer your original question, although I don't know why anyone else's opinion should even matter, I couldn't hold my head up if I couldn't complete the task with $15,000. Much les... 
Tekton Mini Lores? 
Looking for SACD player............
Is there any experience or comparison with the Arcam DV137 or DV139? 
Help, my system sounds lifeless!
Bump on the Vandersteen Treos. I heard a pair of Treo CTs with a Belles Aria at Audio Connection in Verona NJ. Very, very, nice in a space more compromised than yours. They are good people, too. 
High Quality Universal Player??
2 things:So now that the Oppo BDPxxx supply is being cut off and the UDP line is coming out, what effect do you predict on the price of used BDPs>And regarding my previous 103/105; MCintosh/Yamaha post, what I was trying to get at is would I be... 
...a second listen
@atmasphere Interesting take on felt mats, since Linn ships them with their tables. Since no mat is not an option with the Basik, I chose a cork blend. That was before I started spending stupid money on my addiction.On my Oracle I use the original... 
Sanity test before you start this hobby
I am certainly insane. I spend 2 to 4 times more hours on-line shopping for and investigating audio gear (today it's speaker cables and SACD players) than I do listening to music. And the original point was.....I seem to have forgotten. 
Inexpensive speaker cables
I can't really tell if the Canare 4S11 is 4 multi-strand bundles or 4 solid core conductors. Has anyone had experience with solid core?I am using 12G Auvio speaker wire. It was quite reasonable, about $2/ft, if I recall. It is a multi-strand blend... 
Arcam DV139 vs Oppo 95; any thoughts?
If anyone is still checking this; I don't think the question was ever answered, model-to-model. The reason I am asking is that I have an opportunity to buy the Arcam DV139 at a good price; but Oppo 95s are hard to find. 
High Quality Universal Player??
They are "out of stock" for all the BDPs now. If you want to buy direct you have to wait for the new models. 
High Quality Universal Player??
How good of a system would one need to be able to appreciate the difference in 2 channel analog out sound quality between the Oppo BDP-103 and BDP-105D? Is it obvious on a reasonable good 2 channel receiver such as a Yamaha RS300 with some Polk to... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Sheesh! Get a room. Unsubscribing.  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Aimee Mann - Batchelor #2Melanie - Silver AnniversaryCandi Staton - Best ofAll the males are on the TTJeff Beck - Rough & Ready