
Responses from 2channel8

Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.
I'll probably never upgrade from my Canton Ergo 1002DCs. Mainly because I'm retired and I'll never have that much in discretionary funds again. But I have a lot more time to enjoy my large music library and to shop vicariously through your posts. 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
I always thought vinyl was better and only reluctantly got into CDs becausea) I bought a CD player as a gift for a friend only to find he's just gotten himself one, andb) they just took LPs off the shelves and forced us to buy CDs. Which I REALLY ... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
"One of the weakest links that many audiophiles overlook is the AC power source. Oh, yes, audiophiles love their sexy high-end power cables and AC power conditioners, and salespeople love selling these products, but wouldn’t it make more sense to ... 
High Quality Universal Player??
I got a BDP-95 for $450. I am very satisfied............For now. 
Advice for a new Oracle Delphi Owner
I wanted to see if an acrylic mat would make the improvements Oracle claimed if I 'upgraded' from the Groove Isolator, as they recommended, but didn't want to pay the hefty price for the new mat and modified clamp. I thought I'd experiment with a ... 
Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54
Um, hello out there. Has anyone heard the OP's question? Cuz I got to this thread by googling the same. He didn't ask for comparisons between the FR64S and the Denon DA307. The FR64, in all it's versions I believe, is dynamically balanced and the ... 
Evaluating a system - what do you listen for?
Very interesting discussion. Thanks for the thread, @knownothing .I am not going to go into a lot of detail with terms that don't have precise definitions; but I really like the sound of my system. The only thing that occasionally causes me to cri... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
uberwaltz,Thanks for my new word of the day: LudditeAs to the subject at hand, I just spent $110 on a cable, the IC that goes from my phonostage to my pre-amp. I spent this exorbitant amount because I tried a $65 IC form the same company (WireWorl... 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Relax and enjoy the music!  Best of luck. 
Best reasonably priced SACD player?
If You need to control the volume from the player, make sure that its done in the analog realm. Digital volume control 'strips bits' degrading the signal.I've just done a lot of research (but, alas not much side by side auditioning) and concluded ... 
Think twice before concluding some thing sounds better
Mapman said: " I think there is a limit to what anyone can hear in total and at any instant we focus on or hear certain things more than others. Then our focus changes over time and we hear what’s there differently with a different focus. Even wh... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
The Band - Cahoots, SHM-SACD. My first SHM. I'm trying to decide if I like it. I don't have any other version to compare it with except one track, Life Is A Carnival, on a best of CD. The SHM seems very bright, thin is more like what I hear. I can... 
Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers
Do you think this only works with LR crossovers?Would you reverse all 8 connections if you bi-wire?Would it make any difference in a bi-wire configuration?Does polarity switching only matter with tube amps? 
Dumb question #643: should speaker cables last a lifetime?
" Like your car needs a regular oil change - speakers cables pick up all kinds of crap and gunk as well as carbon build up from the power amplifier - best to change cables every six months."........Said the salesperson. ;^) 
So you want to buy a turntable?