
Responses from 2channel8

Time for Two Ways !
@tubegroover Have you compared bi-wiring to your single run hitting the tweeters first? 
Cartridge reccomdations?
Numark GrooveTool.Seriously, judging by your system you have the funds to get whatever you like and the expertise to know what that is. You may always wonder it if you don't try a Lyra. Like that girl/guy you were in love with before you met your ... 
Denon DL 103R vs. AT OC9 - MLII
"now I've got to go out and pick up some booze"That is the ultimate "tweak"! No. It's some primo bud. ;^) 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
Genesis Physics model 7s - about $75 new in 1984. Still have them, never refoamed. What a set of tweeters! (See Human Speakers)Oppo DV-980H - $83 used including S&H in 2015. Got me into hires.Shure V15 RS. Still sounds great with original HE o... 
Speaker recommendation for married couple
Celo,At least you have a wife who gives a Schiit about your hobby. The more time I spend with my music/system; the more my wife hates it. ;^)Take your time shopping and enjoy it. Have you tried any brands not as often mentioned in the forums these... 
Brightest but shortest artistic bursts in the sky
Would Eric Johnson qualify? Ah Vita Music on was fabulous. After that I've hardly heard of him. Great axman and composer. 
Class D is just Dandy!
You know what I like about my Class D (Primare I32)?It sounds really, really good. I have no idea if it has ICEpower or NCore, or Hypex in it, and I'm really not sure I want to learn enough to know if it matters. Every time I get more educated on ... 
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
Auvio Square Parallel Premium 12 G speaker cable. $0.48/ft (no longer available?)It's 99.95% O2 free copper, 50% of the strands are silver coated. It's not a "jaw dropping" improvement; but a solid one. Wish I could get more. 
Record Cleaning Machine
And to think, when LPs were all I had; I just took them out and played them. It seems like the stone age; but it was just as much fun as now. Maybe more when I played my air guitar. 
Record Cleaning Machine
@terry9 You are a true devotee and I applaud you and bow before you. I am pretty happy with my humble hand-vac process with a homemade super solvent and 2 DH2O rinses. I could do about the same volume as you in an hour...if my back could take hunc... 
Record Cleaning Machine
@terry9 How long does the entire process take for 2 LPs? 
Has anyone considered rebuying a speaker you once owned??
I just keep them all. (or give them to close family members) Running out of room, so any new addition will require a subtraction. Also, it's getting to be a pain to drag the oldies out and play them for a few days to keep the surrounds spry. But I... 
Best integrated from this list...
I tried the Creek Classic 5350SE. It was pretty nice; but when I compared it with the Belles Aria, the Aria bested it. It also is a natural match for the Vandies.I just heard a Primare I32. Awesome. Eerily realistic. No flaws that I can hear. You ... 
Class D is just Dandy!
My Primare I32 arrived yesterday. I am a convert and it's not even fully burned in yet. Female vocals are simply indescribable! 
Class D = Trash?
" Interestingly Primare i32 intergrated amp,that is a Class D design, and got very good reviews here in Europe since its release 5 or 6 years ago, will probably be replaced with a new model later this month."No wonder why my humble bid was accept...