
Responses from 2channel8

Help me to choose turntable below 1600$.
I know I've read better reviews somewhere, but I can't find them at the moment. If you can find a seller close enough that shipping doesn't kill the deal, good luck.http://totallywired.co.nz/wax_engine.html 
Review: Oracle Audio Alexandria Turntable
If anyone is still reading this, I'd like to know if anyone has heard the MK II and the MK III and if there is much difference.I have a MK II (Jacques Reindeau of Oracle informed me that the MK I never really existed, so you've all been promoted t... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
 $850 for a power cord? This is where I get off the bus and stop drinking the Coolade! Bye bye.  
Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....
I wouldn't buy a new integrated without listening to at least one good class D.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/class-d-is-just-dandy/post?postid=1435239 
Looking to upgrade amp, need help.
Here's my experience: I've had a Nakamichi Receiver 2, which I love, for 25 years. Someone gave me a NAD 7250 PE a few years ago, so I thought I'd set up a second system in my basement, since I already had a pair of Boston Acoustics T 830s. I was ... 
Best Debut Albums
I just got Carly Simon's Anticipation from MoFi. The SACD layer pretty good, but I would still like the sound of my old LP better if it weren't for the surface noise. I didn't treat it well when I was in college. 
tonearm/cartridge matching, mass/damping/tweaking
Do you ALWAYS have fluid in your MMT/750/370; or only when you would turn the cap up greater than minimum? I always interpreted 'We recommend using fluid damping only for cartridges with dynamic compliance <9' to mean you don't need fluid. Then... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
I also agree that if one hears an improvement, who am I to interfere. However, what does incense me is charging $389 for 3 little blocks holding a rubber band: https://shunyata-uk.com/product/accessories/df-ss-cable-elevator/That is simply predato... 
Integrated Amplifier with the Good Bass and Extended Highs
Primare I32 has more than ample bass and amazing, sparkling highs with no underemphasis of mids/vocals. I think the list is about $3,000. A new I35 is coming out very soon. I was really impressed with the Aria until I heard the Primare.Review: htt... 
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
Jafant, Have you heard that there is now an I35 with new UFPD 2, a DAC and wireless yada yada?https://www.whathifi.com/news/primare-launches-i15-i35-amps-and-cd35-player 
Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?
Just trying to keep the thread alive. (once every 3 years?)I love my new-to-me I32! 
Class D is just Dandy!
Just to keep the thread active:Please refer to my post of 5/20.  I am a little disappointed in you folks, or maybe you were just trying to spare me the embarrassment of so obvious an oversight. First, The TP30 II is not class D; it's class T. More... 
Best Debut Albums
I can't tell you how many times I've loved someone's first album so much that I immediately bought one or two more from them only to have my expectations dashed. As Rod Stewart, who's first album was the only one I have any use for, said "The Firs... 
Jelco SA-750D or Rega RB250
Another vote for the Jelco. It is so much more versatile. Interesting comments about the collar. I have no problem with my Sumiko Premier MMT made by Jelco; but I did see it with an Audioquest PT-9 version of the 250 and my Linn Bask LVX. I bought... 
High Output MC Cartridge recommendations?
LP Gear carries the MC-3 Turbo for $329. I deliberated long and hard on that before settling on a Denon DL-301 II LO to compliment the Shure V15 RS I already had. No regrets except that I didn't have  $600+ for a Dynavector 10x5 (I feel like a rel...