Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Thanks to Marco and the other folks that suggested Sarah Jarosz new release. Fine fine record. What a young talent! Watched her youtube vids of the Austin City Limits performance and just loved them. That is one heck of a band. She sounds much like the second coming of Gillian Welch. The girl can flat out play guitar + banjo.

On the twangy side.....have a listen to Zoe Muth & The Lost High Rollers "Starlight Hotel". Throwback to Dolly and the classic Nashville ladies. Sweet pedal steel playing, gets me everytime. This album makes me wanna put a gunrack and confederate flag in my pickup.
Snakes for the Divine-High on Fire
Soon to be released Kaiors-Sepultura may dethrone this metal masterpiece.
Thanks to Marco and the other folks that suggested Sarah Jarosz new release. Fine fine record. What a young talent! Watched her youtube vids of the Austin City Limits performance and just loved them. That is one heck of a band. She sounds much like the second coming of Gillian Welch. The girl can flat out play guitar + banjo.

Yo, Richard - You know Gillian's got a new one (FINALLY!!) coming out on the 28th of this month. I'm still digging big time on Sara Jaffe too, though the brand new EP was a bit of a disappointment compared to Suburban Nature (big shoes to fill though, so it's not half bad). Also warming up to Josh T. Pearson. Really enjoying The Mountain Goats too - great lyrics. So thanks to your recommendations as well! Got a smile off that pimp-daddy sh!t you forwarded the other day too. Yeah, that's just the way I roll, dog. Cassius got my back door and Captain's riding shotgun. Word to Elvis and that momma's boy Omar.

Keepin' it real in the hood, yo.

Yes, the new Sarah Jarosz cd is quite good. I'm particularly fond of the song "My Muse". I was afraid her sophomore effort might be a let down but it certainly isn't. Hope she has a great musical future ahead of her.