Switching preamps in and out

I have three reference preamps in house. I need to decide on which one I like best. My question is: Do I need to power preamp,source and amp off before switching IC's to the next preamp? Is there a more efficient/faster way without putting any components in danger?
Very nice of Kevin to respond so thoroughly. If only all mfrs were as accomodating.....
You are joking right? If you have to swap them out so fast to tell the difference then there is probably not much difference. You need to play music that you are familiar with or that highlights different instruments or vocals and listen for a while before swapping them out. I agree with what Elizabeth said:

BAD IDEA. Better to listen to one for a few days. Then the next and afterwards think if you liked one better than the others that way.

Happy Listening!
I agree with longer term listening, but swapping in and out is helpful too, and the only way when you have friends over listening with you!

My wife gave me the house this Saturday. She taking the kids to a birthday party so that's when the testing begins!