Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Fundsgon - my post was mostly intended as a general statement and not necessarily directed at you. You make some good points to be sure. I just get tired of people assuming that "Made in China" always equals junk. It does a lot of the time, but not always.
I contacted Classe regarding the CA 2300, the 300 watt pc stereo unit. It will work in pure class A mode to 20 percent of rated output, i.e. 60 watts of class A power. That may be why it sounds so good .... In multiple comparisons with the McIntosh 300 watt pc unit, the Classe sounded better on the B&W diamonds.
Lenin said a lot of things, real and imagined , but was in fact a delusional mass murderer...his views on Capitalism should be taken with a grain of salt. Capitalism and Greed are not the same thing. A lot of the ills assigned to Capitalism are in fact better attributed to greed. Capitalism in an ethical vacumn can be very ugly.

Just my opinion.
I could care less where it's made as long as it meets my requirements. Many countries with their taxes and endless regulations push businesses to friendlier environment.
If I were to hold anything against Classe it would be their decision to build in China and the resultant loss of jobs in Canada, not because of perceived lower standards in construction. Some Chinese brands are very well made.

As for capitalism, it's merely an economic model and it all depends on how its implemented. One shouldn't conflate an economic model with any form of government: to do so would play into someone else's hands.

I would now look elsewhere if Classe were on the short list but this would not apply to other brands, like OPPO, who started out with this model.

I can bend.