Creek Destiny or Rogue Cronus Magnum?

What is your opinion as to which has the best overall sound?
That's it. Which would you listen to for hours, perhaps years with a smile on your face and not think about anything but the music? This may be a bit of apples and oranges, but I am only interested in the overall sound for the long run.
Thank you. I look forward to your opinion.
All I can tell definitely is the 12AX7's are NOS Made in USA, and the 12AU7's are NOS Japanese tubes. If anyone has any idea what they may be please let me know.
I am definitely impressed with this amp and the KT90's.
As Pdreher said, When in doubt, go with the tubes (and buy American).
Hello all,
I just got off the phone with Mark O'Brian (sic?) the owner of Rogue. I have had several discussions with him and his staff and I have to say the folks at Rogue are pleasant, informed, informative and pleasant.
I am pleased to have an American made integrated supported by an American staff in America.
In case you think I've lost focus, The Cronus Magnum sounds terrific, and I have begun tube rolling. Truly the pleasure and revelation continue.
PS: I got an e-mail from an Audiogoner who claimed Rogue are made in China and that they make components for other manufacturers. NEITHER CASE IS TRUE.
I think that Samlucas091 was saying that how good an amp will perform is system dependent, and especially viz-a-viz the speakers it will be driving. To compare such different amps independently of the speakers it will be asked to drive is almost impossible. Now if you love the Rouge, fine, I'm sure it is a very nice tube integrated amp, and indeed made in the U.S. from many parts made elsewhere. And it may be a great match with your speakers. That does not mean that with a different type of speaker, lets say one with big impedance swings and input impedance below 4 ohms in the bass region (something like a Thiel or some of the B&Ws for example), that the Creek would not have been a better choice. I thought that was what Samlucas091 was trying to get at and why a disaster waiting to happen can happen if system context if not part of the question. Of course you might have struck it right that you have a speaker that can be driven optimally by tube amps, not all can.