Which Super Integrated Amp to drive planars?

So, i've narrowed down my shortlist to the below amplifiers to drive my LFT 8B Planar speakers. These are all big powerful integrated amps - having a preference of integrateds at this pricepoint. My source is an Esoteric SA60. I play nearly all music genre.

Can any forum members share their views / experience with any of the below mentioned amps - preferably where driving difficult / low sensitivity (84dB or less) full range speakers? Comments on the synergy between the above and below mentioned products also deeply appreciated.

Super Integrateds (High Power products only)

BAT VK-300X SE -------------------[150w 8ohm, 300w 4 ohm]
Coda Continuum CSI ltd edition --[220w 8ohm, 440w 4 ohm]
Krell 400xi --------------------------[200w 8ohm, 400w 4 ohm]
Pass Labs INT-150 ----------------[150w 8ohm, 300w 4 ohm]
Unison Research Unico 200 -------[200w 8ohm, 350w 4 ohm]
Boulder 865 Integrated -----------[150w 8ohm, 300w 4 ohm]
Sim Audio Moon i-7 ---------------[150w 8ohm, 250w 4 ohm]

I guess I accidentally put a double link for the LFT-8B above; meant to put the link to the twin Pathos amps article there. Here it is:

I have been using the CODA CSi Limited Edition since last June and love it from top to bottom. It drives my Tyler Woodmere 2's with ease (4 ohm load, occasionally dropping to 2 ohms; 87db claimed sensitivity). The CODA CSi Limited Edition has never flinched, even when delivering the most demanding source material at high volume.

All fully remote controlled, the CODA has no knobs. It plays wonderfully sweet, full-sounding music at all frequencies, and the amp is dead quiet even at high volume. Not the slightest hum or hiss. I cannot compare it to your other considerations, but I can attest to this amp's musical truth and power. In addition, the folks at CODA were a pleasure to deal with.

Please feel free to ask any specific questions you like, and I will try to answer them.
03-14-08: Douglas_schroeder
Kiwi, Ah, I got your attention, did I? It is a most unusual, and excellent performing set up! I like trying alternative methods as they sometimes yield wonderful results.

Yes, it certainly caught my attention. Thank you!

I've had a read of your Classic One MKIII review and of course i've read your LFT review several times. A couple of questions if i may?

1) I take it that it is definately confirmed that the MKIII can accept up to 5 volts input from the source? Reason i ask is that its not uncommon for balanced XLR signals to be >=3dB higher than unbalanced which is usually around 2 volts.

2) I went to the Pathos site and could not find dimensions for the MKIII. Do you have them? If you sit them side by side on the shelf - what width is required?

3) Your article quotes power (bridged) at 170 watts into 8 ohm. I dont see that quoted on Pathos site. Did the manufacturer provide you with that particular spec?

4) In your earlier LFT review you also tried Channel Island D200 monoblocks. Do i take it you prefer the bridged Pathos over the CI product?

5) If you were to pick just one highlight of the synergy between the Pathos and the LFT's - what would that be?
03-14-08: Rtilden
I have been using the CODA CSi Limited Edition since last June and love it from top to bottom.

I don't understand why Coda don't spend more time on promotion. Doug Dale maintains that mainstream magazines review iPods and have no impact on sales when they review product. I'm not so sure.

On my shortlist which Douglas Schroeder has now extended nothing can touch the Coda for outright power. Indeed its fair to say the CSi would shame the majority of pre-pwr combo's out there. I mean did you check out the power supply - there's a freakin 2 kVA terriod in there! Of course its not just about power - so i do have a couple of questions

1. Why did you select this amp? What was compelling for you?

2. I thought it odd that the amp didn't offer balanced connectivity. I assume your source is unbalanced? What is it?

3. Could you describe the sound of this amp? I have noted some comment that its MOSFETS give the sound some body and warmth. Is that your experience?

I will be trying this amp with my planars in a couple of weeks time.