Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri

Need a good advise here since the possibility of listen before i buy is limited. No hard-rock fan, else all kind of music. On my short list at the moment are Pathos (Classic), Sugden, BAT, Creek, Edge, Lavardin, CJ.
D.i,l,e, with that kind of a budget for a used preamp, I think you should have a very good selection. I personally really like the CAT preamps, IMHO, they are superior to the BAT preamps and most any other tube preamp you can name ( including most of the CJ ART preamps as well).
I think one could find a CAT Ultimate used for that price that again, IMHO, would be a step up over all of the BAT preamps ( except maybe the REX, which is out of your budget anyway).
As to a ss preamp, well, I feel that most of these are too dry for my liking, I also agree with you that that applies to most of the Levinson preamps...although I have NOT heard the LNP-2L.
DILE, Since you can't demo a BAT or CJ, I suggest trying the 2200 and seeing what difference it makes over what you have now and then go from there. If you like it but say "I wish it had more/less of ????" then we could possibly help from there.
May I add something re Sub:
I own a Acustik Lab Stella Novus;

Not only is it an extremely versatile item, that thought along lines of bass managment, that velodyne came much later to, but also it got sold in Asia, and particularly Japan in rather huge numbers; it might be a very good alternative to aquire this second hand, it cost new nearly seven grand, until now I cannot decide if its a sign of overachieving or overcharging; but it is good. try and find one, for up to 2K$ it might be by far the best solution out there. it comes with a remote and an extensive manual(!)
here we go:

when googling for it, you even find a us-dealer charging 12K for it. Highend pricing is variable as fuel ;-)

For $5K, you should be able to get a s/hand ARC Ref 3...very, very good. Single-ended and balanced.

I cannot comment on BAT v MC as i am not familiar with Mc sound. If you wish to stick with tubes, i do not think many people could strongly is a solid decision with the right tube amp. And both brands have good reputations.

Onemug's suggestion is a good one...getting your feedback will be helpful as you audition.

As for CAT, i have heard these are excellent. i (think) CAT is a company where one needs to watch maintenance and care a bit. double-check this...i could be wrong, but i thought there were some posts here about that. nothing major, just that it requires a little more hands-on maintenance from the owner than some other brands?

do you have access to Audio Research? AGain, try a s/hand ARC Ref 3. there are a couple on AGon. good luck!