How many cd/dvd/sacd/cdr's players do you own?

I am now up to 7 players, and will most likely have 10 before I am through. They range from a Meridien 508 to a suprisingly good sounding 3 disc shelf system by Phillips purchased for $55.00 at the local retail store. Also have 4 dvd's purchased on the cheap for $150 each. Have yet to buy SACD and want to know if worth the expense?
Well, Let's see. I'm an anolog guy, so let's count 'em up. A CD-R deck into a DAC. A DAT deck. A Digital Compact Cassette deck. A DVD player. A CD burner for my Mac. Two other CD players in two other systems in the house. Yup, I'm an anolog guy from way back. :-) At least I own more LPs than CDs - and I'm over 500 CDs to this point!!
Visions of zeros & ones filling my head....
Okay, what's the deal on the Sony DVP-9000S? Almost everyone on this thread has one. Is it because of superior DVD-Video quality? Lucy, you've got some splainin to do.
You guys are out of hand. Lets see I have a Cary CD 303/200, a Revox B-226, a Sony Portable, an Alpine in the Car, a Playstation with CD, a Playstation 2 with a DVD, an old Nakamichi, and a computer with a cd player. That makes 8. Good thing I need all of them, oh yeah I would rather have amplifiers than CD players....don't get me started there.
Bufus-I noticed the same thing, I didn't realize ALL of us had one of those bloody things!!! I bought mine because of 3:2 pull down-good DVD playback, ok redbook playback(really good as a transport), SACD to play around with(never got really serious about it) and you can have it upgraded a lot! though I am sure not many actually do get upgraded; its nice to know you could if you wanted to!

Anyone else want to explain why you bought the dvp-s9000es??

Do computers count? If so then

7 computer CD players
2 car CD players
2 audiophile CD players (soon to be 3 next week)
2 DVD players

which makes 13 (soon to be 14). We have 2 turntables. Hmmmm, so me thinks there is a pattern here...