Is anyone using Signal Cable interconnects/cables?

How do these sound compared to Synergistic Research Alpha series, Siltech Paris series, Nordost Blue Heaven, etc. I have a hybrid preamp and solid state amp.

What about their speaker cables?
I was very satisfied with Signal Cable Analog 2's being between my CD and integrated amp. I must say, however, that after replacing them with a pair of Zu cable Oxyfuels, I was able to hear a big improvement in sound. And this is from a bit of a "cable skeptic". Sound got a lot more bass, and more detailed. I suppose this is to be expected given their price points.
I have tried the SignalCables extensively and have compared them to much more expensive cables. I find them every bit as good and in some ways better than the more expensive brands.

What a few of the above folks fail to realize is that there is a great synergy among the various types of SignalCables when used throughout a system. If you only try one or two types, then it is very likely that you are missing most of the magic this line is capable of providing.

Indeed, when I randomly threw in the speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords (swapped in and out, one at a time), the improvements were minimal or were a step backwards. However, when I put in the power cords, then the speaker cables, and then the interconnects all at the same time, there was an order of magnitude improvement across the board. I also had great luck with their digital AC cord, digital coax, and interconnects in another system.

Inserting the interconnects by themselves seemed to be a backward step in that system. But when I put in the digital coax, then the digital AC cord, and then reinstalled the Analog Two interconnects, there was a tremendous improvement.

So SignalCables may or may not work well with your existing cable products; but they work fantastic when partnered with other SignalCables. At least, that was my experience.

I like them so much, I use them in both my 2-channel systems now. I find them extremely dynamic, detailed, and well-balanced. At their price, I find them absolutely astounding.

Some of my other cables include Sonoran interconnects and speaker cables, and Harmonic Technology Magic One interconnects.
For the price, Plato's cable synergy theory is certainly something to look into. However, I personally find belief in the "all the same cable" synergy theory a bit of marketing hype. Cables have specific sound fingerprints as do components. Neither is really neutral. So consider that a speaker which has a bright sound could sound even brighter (harsh) with the wrong cables. Cables also soundstage differently. I've listened to cables that place the vocalist behind the drumset and others which have the same vocalist in my lap. Some accentuate certain frequencies. One size fits all is not a synergistc approach. Having all components sound their best as one system is actual synergy.

I tried an analog two between tube pre and solid state power amp,worked much better than audioquest coral.But AC coral worked better between cd and preamp.I liked signal cable enough that Ill be ordering there power cables soon, will update at later date,,
In both of the Signal reviews (I think they were positive feedback and Stereo TImes, but I may be wrong) they both commented on just how great the synergy of an all-signal system was. Of course, opinions vary about how much reviewers are affected by marketing.