Which is better? AES/EBU or coaxial?

To my ears AES sounds better, then coaxial RCA digital interface. DO you any of you guys have any hard evidence? Or opinions?

Thanks guys!!
SweetJesusGoodGodAlmighty, Craig. while you are probably right, well, here we go again.......
I too have preferred AES/EBU connection...and disagree with Lafish's characterization of the difference, unless "romantic" = less information getting through, less cleanly...
As usual, it all depends on the build and quality, a phenominally built RCA will out perform 110ohm XLR.. for whatever reason, EMI/RF .. soldering (if any)...wrapping, grounding technique... its really cable dependant and construction....period

If both are built identically.. then I would say the AES EBU will probably be better..maybe.. ...
