CD Players that transmit 24bit/96kHz

Does anyone know of DVD or CD players that send a digital signal is a 24 bit/96 kHz frequency?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdsweeney33
No CD player can do that since CDs only work up to 16bit/44.1kHz. Some DVD players will output 24/96. Add the Meridian 800 to that list.
I have a Theta DaVid that puts out a "TRUE" 24/96 digital signal. Beware, many (most, actually) DVD players do not put out a true 24/96 signal. Be sure to check first. I wish I could comment more on the sound of 24/96 audio discs, but I just received my Counterpoint DA10 with the power supply and 24/96 upgrade back, but am waiting for some 24/96 discs to get shipped to me.
Alruhl, you brought up a good point. Do I have to look specifically for 24/96 CD's?
Dsweeney: Yes, and there aren't many. A regular CD will only play a 16 bit/44khz signal, whether you play it on a dvd player, a CD player or a 24/96 DAC. Chesky and Classic have most of the few available titles of 24/96 discs, and they do provide excellent sound. There a few new DVD-Audio discs being released, bur I don't know if they can be played with 24/96 resolution (or even played) from an existing DVD player, either from its own D/A converter or through a true 24/96 digital out, or from a 24/96 player like the Muse. Perhaps Mr. Halverson could enlighten us here, because this area hasn't been the clearest to me--do you need a new player to play the DVD-A discs because of their surround sound and the need to do some electronic gymnastics to get a two-channel 24/96 mix?