cables with

I have a system that is quite revealing and quie "accurate".My speakers are rated to 25HZ, but am wondering if there are cables(IC's) that will help me realize those ratings. I know there are cables that won't.Right now I have Harmonic tech Magic II's from pre to amp, Audiences AU e from Dac to pre, Audience AU from CD to Dac and Acoustic Zen Matrix II's from Turntable to Pre. Any ideas? Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xhickbone
Interconnect doesn't care much about low frequency at all since it could conduct even 0Hz i.e. DC.
Lloyd, I will try and audition some Transparent references but they do seem a little pricey. Certainly enough so that I won't be buying any without hearing them first. Thank you for your input. Swanny, the Cardas Golden Refs seem to be affordable enough to try.(All used, of course) I am not looking to roll off the highs, but have certainly read that they do possess a "warmth" to them. BTW, I have an AT33EV for a cart on my Classic right now. Was looking for a Dynavector or Soundsmith Zephyr but got a nice deal on the AudioTechnica. Thanks
Hi Hickbone,

I have bought all my Transp Ref shand at cents on the dollar. Even the older stuff from a number of years ago is still very good imho. Good luck. BTW, CArdas Golden Ref is very, very good too. good luck.
OK- I managed to obtain a pair of Cardas Golden Reference IC's(along with a GR PC) and have to say that yes, indeed, I can hear a clearly increase in bass. Meaning I can clearly hear the bass, but "feel" more of the bass too. Now, I had a Shunyata Copperhead PC on my Pass amp and when I hooked up the GR IC's I have to say it was not a discernable change. Hooked up the GR PC AND the GR IC's and ,yes, definitely a change. However, soundstage is totally different than the HT Magic II's. More recessed, I think. I also feel some of the detail is missing. On certain solos, I can tell the placement of the soloist is moved. What was once centerstage is now recessed. Now, I have to say I don't know if it was intended to be recessed or centerstage, just that that's how it sounds now. Personally, I think it was intended for center stage. But, that's me.So, while the Golden References did, in fact, give me more bass extension, I am looking to other avenues. I am thinking Purist Audio Venustas or Synergistic Tesla Accelerators for IC's from preamp to amp. I just feel something is missing. Don't get me wrong it still sounds wonderful. Guess I'm just a brat...or very hard to please.