Need recommendations on speaker cables

In the past year I put together a system (see Evolving System in Vegas) but used my existing Audioquest speaker cables. Its time to upgrade and while I speant a great deal of time and energy researching and selecting my speakers and amps, I know relatively little about cables.

I have a B&W 800Ds powered by two McIntosh 501s. I would like the cables to be 5 feet long with spades on both ends. Additionally, I would prefer to spend $1,000 or less (the wife can't get why any old cable won't do).
I'd reccomend trading the wife in on a girlfriend and then buying the cables you really need. Maybe want is a better word!

Thats what I did about 4 years ago. Then I was able to get rid of the B&W 802's and Classe stuff I dint really want and went with Wilson, Eggleston, MBL etc, without having to explain each and every decision I made and why I made it! I also find my girlfriend doesn't tell me to turn things down nearly as often.

I am just kidding of course!!! WEll maybe not. I too am looking to make a change in speaker cables. You have lots of good reccomendations. The nice thing about buying here is if they do't quite workout or sound as good as you expect you can sell them without losing your butt.

I am considering buying some anti cables as I need long runs. I do not like the thought of having to break them in for 200 hours before you know what they will eventially sound like.

good luck
Before you spend a boatload of cash check out the inexpensive ones such as Anti-Cables or Marrow, etc. Oft times, they sound better than the high priced spread. All the inexpensive cable companys have a money back policy...
Gshepardbuster: After trying a few different cables, I went with the AQ Oak as well. Got them yesterday and burning them in as I write.........Thanks!
My 2 cents. I have tried several brands of speaker wire. From $10 a foot to $3 a foot. The wire I liked best in my system was the Mogami W2921. This is a bi wire cable that uses their Neglex OFC brand of wire. I got 35 feet shipped for $120.00. After installing this wire my wife made the comment that the voices were clearer and easier to understand. If my wife says something it must be good. This wire made my system more detailed, improved the bass and added clarity with movies and music.

The Mogami wire used in my system was an improvement every time I added it. Interconnects first and then speaker wire.

Paradigm/Outlaw Separates/Mogami W2549 interconnects/Mogami W2921 speaker wire.
I just purchased four 75 foot runs of JW Audio cryo speaker cables and they sound great. I too am hearing lots of sounds I have never heard before. Many different audiogoners suggested solid copper wire for long runs including some sellers of high end braided wire. I spent far less than I anticipated I would need to and am very happy with the outcome.