Do all good interconnects sound the same?

Before you get angry with me this is not my personal point of view. I have noticed differences in each of my interconnects. But I came across an article by highly acclaimed audio designer Rodger Sanders of Sanders Sound Systems. Formally of Innersound Speakers. His new model 10c won the Golden Ear award for 2010. I've never heard his new system but I like the Innersound stuff I heard. Here is a comment from the white papers on cables cut from his website. What do you guys think?

"There is no doubt that speaker cables can exert a small influence on the sound of your audio system. But interestingly, all well-designed interconnects sound identical". Rodger Sanders

His IC's are fairly inexpensive made from Belden Cable of some form. Has anyone tried them and what did you think?
The Third Rail of audio.
Magfan (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

The Third Rails of Audio:
1) Analog vs. Digital
2) Tubes vs. Solid State
3) Power Cords
4) Interconnects
5) Why Does it Cost So Much When the Parts Only Cost...?

It's a wonder any of us are still alive if that is the case!

Those two don't look dangerous to me.

I wonder what they were paid back then to look out for the third rail.
all amps sound the same
all cables sound the same
all Doubting Thomas's sound the same
Yes, all good interconnects cost the same excepting the very good interconnects which are overpriced but underrated.

Bad interconnects cost less and are generally underpriced but overrated.

Really bad interconnects cost much less but are more or less overpriced but under appreciated.
Do all good interconnects sound the same?

No, they sound different. Note however that different doesn't mean better or worse, only you can determine that.
