Anyone try Synergistic Research PHT...

transducers on their cartridge/headshell? Wondering if this really improves sound, and which type do you use. Thanks.
Sbayne, how is it attached - did you check to see how much it added in weight and did you make adjustments for such.
Hiendmuse - I have both the Blue and the Purple. I've used them on my ZuAudio 103 and various Grado Statement and Reference cartridges. The Blue is more to my liking since it presents a more fluid and spacious soundstage. The Purple is more defined and focused which may sound better in a different system or to a person looking for a different presentation. They do slightly change the tracking force of your cartridge so you will want to check that after application.

Lewm - Fair enough and thanks for the cordial response.
Dev, According to the SR website, weight of the PHT = ".001 gm" = 1 mg.
Thus there should be very little effect on tonearm effective mass and only a small adjustment of VTF is necessary after installation. I guess it "sticks" to the body of the cartridge due to magnetics. A theoretical question I have is how can this device INCREASE the intensity of the magnetic field in the gap between the coil and the cartridge magnet? (This is the mechanism by which it is said to work.) Normally, placing a magnetic object within the field of a permanent magnet would weaken its magnetic field. At least this appears to be the case empirically.
Lewm- where in the world did you get the idea that the PHT is magnetic? It is not, so therefore your question about increasing the magnetic field intensity is moot. No manufacturer that I know of would design and market an add on magnet for use with ALL types of cartridges- MM, MI, or MC. The PHT is a mechanical/acoustic transducer ( granted an extremely small MICRO transducer). I have used it with Lyra (MC), Ortofon (MC), Soundsmith (MI), and Benz (MC) cartridges and I can absolutely verify that it does make a discernable impact on the sound quality of the analog playback.