Hi Fi Dealer in New York City?

I'm going to visit my son, and I want to take him to a hi fi dealer with a variety of inventory...either Brooklyn or Manhattan....Google was no real help....any suggestions?
Actually, he lives in Queens....he does not own a vehicle, no Jersey is kinda out of the question for a quick trip.
will worth the trip on the rental automobile if you want to save money even considering round trip tolls.
A second vote for John Rutan at Audio Connection in Verona. Very nice guy and good stuff to listen to. I bought several things there when I lived on the east coast and had several very enjoyable and informative listening sessions with him. He is a real music lover.
I don't know his name, or if he still works there, but avoid a short middle age twerp with a moustache and glasses. He was rude to me several times although he didn't wait on me. He actually asked me to leave a listening room where I was seated off in a corner so he could be alone with the people he was doing a demo for.
Still a great store to visit.