Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 DAC/USB Quality

Would apreciate input from anyone you has experienced use of the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 in general.
I am interested in:
How you would rate the DAC
How compatable this amp is with the Senn. HD650
General overall performance.
Best Phones to use with the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8

My son has the Senn HD650 headphones. I picked up a used Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 on AG as a present for him. The price was right and base on what reading I came across,I thought it would work well with the Senn HD650. Now that it is in route, I have done some further research and have came across alot of mixed reviews/comments.
So I would like to get the real scoop.Please Be honest, if I made a mistake, I will accept it and go on. I just dont want to pass my mistake (if so) along to my son.

Thank You for your help
You’re not the only one who doesn't like the size of the volume knob, I have seen many comments with regard to this.
But one comment I have to say about how they may have came to design it so large.
I remember reading a review on the V3, and the reviewer sited that the small size of the V3 knob made it unnecessarily harder than it had to be to operate.
Hi Brad

I get where you are coming from now. Man you are one cool dad. AKG K702 and a MF X-Can V8 used or new are some nice pieces of audio equipment to me to be given as a gift. I didn't get any opinions on the USB input portion of the X-Can V8. If I get any info I'll be sure to share.
I have both the K702 and the X-Can V8p. The K702 is not everyone's cup of tea. I think you need to know that going in. The X-Can V8 is a fine headphone amp with plenty of power and a pleasant tonal balance. It's also pretty handy to have both the DAC on board and line input and output. All in all, it's a pretty handy piece of gear to have around, since it can actually be used as a pre-amp if necessary. As a building block to a future system, that's pretty cool.

What is it that you don't like about the sound? If you feel like it's missing bass punch, that's just the 702. It's not a super exciting headphone; it excels at neutrality, detail and, after break-in, a very nice smoothness. For comparison, my AKG K240 and Audio-Technica ATH-W1000 are both more exciting sounding. The W1000, in particular, is way more forward, but not as smooth or open. The K240 is slightly punchier in the mid-bass but less resolving.
To: eujin
Thank you for taking the time in forwarding all the info.
I am hoping that the HD650's provide a little better sonics
and i am hoping that the k702's will inprove with more breakin

Mine is an X-Can V8P, with Pinkie power supply, Emeral Physics DAC 2, Mojo Audio PC and Mojo ribbon interconnects.
I listen a lot when I come home from work - usually just before sunrise - and I don't want to bother the neighbors, or get evicted. My cans are Audio Technica ATH-W1000's and my audio monitors are Mackie HR824's. Video is via a Panasonic 42" pro monitor. My computer runs an i5 at 3.7gHz, Windows 10, VLC media player, Foobar, iTunes. I don't do many "upgrades", since I no longer have the money coming in like I used to, and what I already own is more than I need.
Late as it is for this thread, I would like to mention I just did something I suggest everyone with the resources (this is not cheap) to try. I replaced my Bugle Boys with a pair of NOS Heintz and Kaufman 7308's (with silicon dampening rings) and unplugged the LED. Great 7308's can be purchased for less than the $450.00 I paid for these rare gems, but these came out of my currently unused Art Audio Symphony ll amplifier, which I will sell some time after the Holidays. The improvements are such I will one day - when the spirit moves me - try my X-Can V8P as a preamp, and compare it to my ASL Flora EX DT and my Aum Audio LDR Passive with Paul Hynes power supply. I really think it might actually hold its own against these guys, and it should be a great way to spend an afternoon, eh?
The big volume control is very easy to find in the dark when I want to adjust the volume.
Happy Holidays.