Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 DAC/USB Quality

Would apreciate input from anyone you has experienced use of the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 in general.
I am interested in:
How you would rate the DAC
How compatable this amp is with the Senn. HD650
General overall performance.
Best Phones to use with the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8

My son has the Senn HD650 headphones. I picked up a used Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 on AG as a present for him. The price was right and base on what reading I came across,I thought it would work well with the Senn HD650. Now that it is in route, I have done some further research and have came across alot of mixed reviews/comments.
So I would like to get the real scoop.Please Be honest, if I made a mistake, I will accept it and go on. I just dont want to pass my mistake (if so) along to my son.

Thank You for your help

Showing 2 responses by jedinite24

Hey BradF

Definitely give the MF X-Can V8 a try with the Sennheiser 650. A couple of headphone guys who were helping me out on another forum told me that the MV X-Can V8 REALLY mates well with the Sennheiser 580, 600 and 650. Also regarding the AKG K702s one owner by me told me they need a very long time for break-in. Over 300 hours. He had a stock pair of the AKG 702 with a Woo headphone amp. Are you AKG K702s new?

Also with a 22K sounding system 2 channel I think you need much more high-end headphone gear to even come close to what you have sound wise in your 2 channel rig. Maybe a headphone amp from Ray Samuels or Rudistor? Min $1000 headphones?
Hi Brad

I get where you are coming from now. Man you are one cool dad. AKG K702 and a MF X-Can V8 used or new are some nice pieces of audio equipment to me to be given as a gift. I didn't get any opinions on the USB input portion of the X-Can V8. If I get any info I'll be sure to share.