Did anyone else disconnect thier equipment due to the geomagnetic storms?

The dangers of these storms has been minimized by the press. Large magnetic pulses the hit exposed power lines will create electric currents. Take a quick read of wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event to get the idea. Call me super cautious, but I will take a short listening vacation for another day until the level drops below K8. www.spaceweatherlive.com.  If you are into the details you cab read about the current event here: www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/auroral-activity/magnetometers.html


Lets imagine they DO create “currents”. How strong they would be and do you think properly designed power supply would not be able to filter them out.

No at my breaker I have a dedicated surge power correction 

vH audio has them on sale ,I have theSiemens surge for whole house 

and the Dedicated one from VH audio on my dedicated line ,and sounds great for only just under $1k plus $250 instal charge.