At what point do you...

buy new vs used/open box/refurbished/demo, etc? I know this is all cost based relative but just curious where you draw the line and go brand new. For example, online retailer x has a brand new power cable for $499. They also have the exact same power cable (same length) on an open box for $449. Worth it to save the $50 or do you just go brand new? Or would you just always go for the less costly alternative because saving $ is saving $?


I have been wanting to get some consistency with my subs, currently I have a LaSpada 10AWG power cable on sub 1 and a Signal Cable Magic Power cable on sub 2. I also see there is a couple of open box Audioquest NRG4 power cables available for $30ea off already discounted brand new ones. I’m thinking of pulling the trigger on the NRG4’s and saving an additional $60 on the pair and using these on my SVS SB4000’s...


In some cases you can save significantly by going other than new but then not so much in other cases. I know this is extremely subjective and relative but just wondering how all of you decide when to just go brand new...again just curious how you all decide which direction to go...


Personally, I try to always buy used.  Buying pre-owned gears has worked out beautifully for me for over 20 years, and I've saved a ton of $$$$ in the process.  High end audio is way too expensive, and with such a vast global on-line market at our disposal, your buying power increases exponentially.  I couldn't afford my current audio system if I had to pay retail for it.  

Let me give you some advise being in this over 40 years ,plus owning a

audio store, the connectors on both ends you Donot want gold over brass 

Furutech ,or another brand itt has to say pure Copper with either gold plating or Rhodium ,why it sounds more natural for one and has 3 x more conductivity,which is far less resistance or noise ,Audio Art s uses only quality connectors ,Cryo treats the metal which is a plus and can get the Hagerman runin  process.

 It depends how much you want to spend.

The only item I will not buy used is a phono cartridge. Other than that I have no problem buying used!

I seek out all the bargains that I can in this hobby, demo, open box, used etc!