The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"

According to one cable seller

"The insulation (or dielectric) will absorb energy from the conductor when a current is flowing (i.e. when music is playing). This energy-absorption causes the dielectric's molecules to re-arrange themselves from a random order into a uniform order. When the molecules have been rearranged, the dielectric will absorb less energy & consequently cause less distortion."

So it’s the plastic polymer (as dielectric insulation) to undergo some sort of molecular rearrangements to minimize the distortion. Probably one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever!

“Many premium AC cords constrict or compress the audio transient as their characteristic impedance restricts the transient current.”

We all know impedance restricts current but how possibly “many” premium AC cords constrict/compress the audio transient (when not carrying audio signal)? Then again is it achieved by this molecular rearrangements of the cable insulation?

Unfortunately there are no measurement data or mathematical formulas to be found to back up this amazing scientific discovery. Simply “it happens”. So I came up with a formula for them.

∆E = P - SoT

∆E: energy absorbed by dielectric

P: energy (power) drawn from wall outlet

So : Smake Oile

T: Dielectric Transition Temperature


I am with mahgister: too long by a factor of 5, and if it was really that funny, ok.

Life is short. Jokes: shorter still, preferably.


I am retired and i appreciate everybody even those with whom i may disagree... i like too much discussing here and not staying alone... I am not perfect..

Of course... keep warm & healthy!!!

The dielectric in your equation is effectively an insulator and as such does not absorb current. One of the fundamental laws of electrical theory is that current takes the least path of resistance. In this case the copper. It's as simple and as complicated as that. And if this magical formula does exist, the AC power is further altered in the amp and and in no way does it impact the path of the sound signals.

                   Time for another rewind:

       ie: Inescapable FACT: No one understands exactly how electricity works.     

                         That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY.     

      The number of Wiki-Scientists on these pages, attempting to win the IG-Nobel Prize in Pseudo-Physics, is always amusing.             

       Whenever some highly educated person actually does discover exactly how electricity functions, they’ll be lauded by the scientific community, will have solved some of the disparities between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, receive a Nobel and we’ll hear about it.     

      Newton’s THEORIES were largely superseded by Einstein and Bohr's.   Then came Feynman’s.       For now; none of you can absolutely prove your statements (theories), regarding electricity, FUSES, wires, or anything else, as regards our systems.    

             The following articles, read in sequence, illustrate my point:     

      then: electrodynamics%2C%20co....               


     Much of the foregoing conversation, only shows that not all Physics courses are equal.

                                ie: @carlsbad2 -

     As a Physicist: to what theory do you lean*, regarding lambda?

                        * There is NO wrong answer!

     Could/would you honestly say, that opinion jives with your Prof's?

                        Electrical Engineering courses?

                                FA'GET ABOUT IT!