Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player

Hello.  Have an opportunity to purchase a mint condition Oppo 205 universal player for $2,500.  I'm heavily into multi-channel SACD and Blu-Ray music playback.  Seem like a reasonable deal?  Any other suggestions?

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I have compared my Magnetar UDP900 to my friends Oppo 205 and my old Oppo 95 and I must say the video on the 900 is so much superb for both bluray and 4K video and the audio ihas the Audiophile quality sounds, some even consider it a reference level and I can easily agree to that. It may be on the high price but to me it’s worth every penny.

I have owned a Oppo 205 since 2018, right before they discontinued them, it is used daily and has worked flawlessly. I absolutely love it. Up until now there has not been another universal player that equals the features of the Oppo 205. The Magnetar 900 looks to be a worthy successor. Although in comparison, the only disadvantage I see is that the Magnetar has next to no digital inputs compared to the Oppo. I use my Oppo 205 as a dac/preamp direct to my power amp and run digital optical from my tv to the Oppo and digital coax from my Blusound node to my Oppo. I paid $1700 Can. for the 205 and see that the Magnetar is over double the price at $4000 Can. A used 205 would still be a viable option even at $2500. I would curious to see how the two would compare sonically for music only. I always said I don’t know what I would do if my Oppo 205 quit because there was no viable replacement but now there is, though that lack of digital inputs is a bummer.

Another negative I saw in a review with the Magnetar 900  is no visible display for the volume level unless the tv is on, Oppo 205 shows  volume 1-100% in the display which is important when just listening to music if using as a preamp as I do.