Roon is snappy responsive now

Applied latest version Roon server for windows and app on IPhone today. So far the annoying slowness in the user interface is no more. It’s very responsive and snappy now. Hope it stays this way.

Immediately prior I received a message from Roon containing an update on the Harmon acquisition and new product direction to focus more on its core user group of music lovers Audiophiles, etc. including focus now on application performance, which is paying immediate dividends. This is a great start so far and I hope they keep it up as promised.



Yes that is what I read yesterday prior to posting here.

No doubt Roon sounds different than Squeeze and Plex I have also used extensively prior. Each of these software products implement a streaming engine differently. Roon’s is by far the most transparent and flexible and target’s hifi enthusiasts that expect good sound. By transparent I mean that that you can click on an icon and see detailed info on every processing step between source and streamer, like resolution, bit depth, resampling, etc. I have a technical background in digital signal processing and am a hifi nut (of course) so I greatly appreciate being shown exactly what is being done to the digital stream each step along the way for sure.

And each manufacturer that is a Roon partner has a different version of Roon internally, many are assuming. I'm a lifetime subscriber and have been with Roon for 7, maybe 8 years and have seen plenty of changes in that time. For sure it is the best interface and I have found many wonderful songs/albums/artists I would never have known about. Reminds me- years ago there was this student's masters' thesis was developing Pandora - the "comparable style" music explorer. Sounded really cool, but as I am in Canada I couldn't ever try it. Anyway, without Roon/Tidal and now Qobuz, I would have spent thousands of dollars more on CD's. In that time I have never tried any other streaming software (on my hifi setup) up until squeeze a few weeks ago, as it is a focussed app for my new server/streamer, and much development is dedicated to getting it to the best sound quality on this manufacturer's player, like Aurender does for its players. Needless to say, but I am a big Roon fan, but going forward I can see myself using Roon/squeeze 50/50. 

Just FYI,  I run Roon core on a Linux box and never had any of these issues.  Given how many streamers with Roon core built-in are Linux servers under the hood I would not be surprised if this was their most important OS.

I put Ubuntu server on an old spare Mac mini, and then installed Roon; it runs Roon solid as a rock. Agree 100% with @erik_squires that this is probably the OS they devote the most time and attention to. Much more solid than either Windows or Mac OS...


1 x a week you should shut down your router for a minute ,No power 

then let it reboot it clears the cache and operates more fluid 

also you want better sound and faster buy a new router- modem combo 

I bought the Motorola 8702 Thst has docsis 3.1 modtolder ones still use 3.0 

the is much faster bigger processor andbuffer ,wifi too much better for tv  I useRoku. For music to stream better clearer music as I did ,most routers are 12v 

using a garbage $10wallwart   Buy a decent  LPS power supply ,it tells onthe wall wart or unit howmany volts ,they take roughly 4 amp. I bought the gemstone under $1200 for $700 ,have tested many Linial tube Audio, handles up to 8 amps great build quality and comes witha excellent Dc cable to router most others charge $150for , buying onAudiogon save $50 -$700+$30 shipping great build quality 

and streaming is much better sounding. I also but a decent Ethernet hub $600

that has a LPS ,low noise regulators and a ocxo over controlled clock ,very good value , and buy quality Ethernet cables ,the most critical going into the streamer .

everything counts to get good sound.

I’ve ran Roon, audirvana, and pure music on Mac’s for over 15 years. I’ve also had 3rd party servers like the Auralic Aries for a couple years. I’ve also tested Roon on an enterprise Linux server. My current setup is using an m1 Mac mini with a very large library and Qobuz with no issues and it’s fast. The only other setup I would run Roon on is a Linux based server probably on a 2012/2014 Mac mini or a server using a ryzen arm processor. The best technology in todays servers is the arm chip, which is an apple m1/m2/m3 or ryzen.