Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?

In looking at getting a new preamp. I need balanced outputs for new amps. Has anyone heard the new ls28 se? Wondering how it compares to reference 6 or even the 40th anniversary preamp.

100 hours into breakin of Audio Research gear is not a good time to make appraisals of sound quality. It tends to get better (still not great) through 120 hours… then flip flops from good to bad for at least twenty to thirty hours. One definitely does not want to be assessing until at least 250 hours. It still improves through 600 hours, although not at as great a rate. There is a very very subtle improvement to 1,000..

Thanks @ghdprentice ...I let it run all night, listened some of today and listening now it’s definitely improved now sittiing at about 117 hours. I am literally stunned at how good this preamp is, and the synergy with my amp. It literally feels like I got a new DAC and a new preamp. I will reserve judgement until I get up around the 250 hour marker and also get it hooked up XLR, waiting for my new longer ICs to arrive next week. For now, it's a GIANT leap forward for my system. 


I had the AGD Audions in today for a short period as well before I went back.

Cool. ARC tubed preamp with a nice SS amp is an awesome combo. I had the Ref6 in my system for almost a month and enjoyed it immensely paired with Pass X260.8 monos. Big, natural and dynamic. The 28SE should not be too far behind.