Anyone heard the new ARC LS28 SE?

In looking at getting a new preamp. I need balanced outputs for new amps. Has anyone heard the new ls28 se? Wondering how it compares to reference 6 or even the 40th anniversary preamp.

AGD is wonderful gear...I have the Audions coming tomorrow to listen to. I will report in one of those threads. 

RE: this preamp, LS28se, I am thinking any limitations I am hearing could be related to break in since it has less than 100 hours on it. Seems to be some bandwidth limitation on some tracks. Overall I can hear through this but I think I may be hearing burn in limitations. If thats the case and this thing sweetens a little it's a force to be wreckoned with. 

The preamplifier will need about 250-300hrs. At 100hrs it isn’t fully cooked yet.

Also, in my experience, the ARC preamps sound their best with XLR cables. 



thanks Audphile1...I have it hooked up RCA right now so I can understand the differences between to the inputs so this is great to know. I will put a few days on RCAs then hit the XLR input for a few. My amp is fully balanced (I/O) so I think I should get some sonic improvement there. 

100 hours into breakin of Audio Research gear is not a good time to make appraisals of sound quality. It tends to get better (still not great) through 120 hours… then flip flops from good to bad for at least twenty to thirty hours. One definitely does not want to be assessing until at least 250 hours. It still improves through 600 hours, although not at as great a rate. There is a very very subtle improvement to 1,000..