How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer

A friend and audio journalist had this Prism device, and he plugged it into various outlets when I visited him. It gave a clear sense of which outlets were noisy and how effectively his conditioners were helping with noise.


He said these were not made any longer. Does anyone know of another tool like this?

It seems like it could save someone with clean power (or a quiet outlet) a lot of money from conditioners/regenerators which would not necessarily help.


Thanks to posters about the meter. Yes, it's crude. It's probably enough for me to get a very general impression of my various lines. The idea that I need a much more elaborate meter is based on uses I have not contemplated and are likely irrelevant.


I got rid of the Quicksilver Pre in favor of a DIY based around the DeHavilland Ultraverve III. 6SN7 tubes are preferable to my ear.

I like the Carbon7 better than the Salks, not least because of the Be tweeter in the Salks. The Carbons have a really gentle and musical (that word!) touch. I have noticed a couple video reviews on the Carbon 7 recently.

Buy a digital oscilloscope for under $400 and learn how to use it. Way more informative and useful, way less woojum.

I use the Enteq as a general sniffer.  I then plug it into a conditioner to see how quiet it is relative to the noise.  In my observations the Puritan 156 is quieter than the Furman reference 15i.