He spent his life building a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable.


Actually, Bell Labs was located in Murray Hill, NJ. I used to go to their sound proof room when I was a kid. A million dollars does not buy you great sound. Have you been to a reviewers system lately? LOL

The trick, pioneered in the early 1930s by engineers working at Bell Labs in New York and Abbey Road Studios in London, was in the two channels of sound. Recorded from separate microphones and played back through separate speakers, they could simulate the swirling warmth and depth of life.

Most all of us practice idolatry in different ways to differing degrees. A hobby, a spouse, a pet, ourselves.

In my case, it’s usually an expedient, non-judicious remedy to internal pain. I’ll never shake it, but awareness at least gives me pause, sometimes…

Hope you all stay safe in these extreme temperatures!

@uncledemp Very well written and thought provoking post. Here’s hoping 2024 brings you much joy to balance things in your favor. It’s what we could all use. 


My writing is purer than my heart, but I’m trying. 

Thanks for the kind words and well wishes. 

Best to you and yours in 2024! 

It appears that the equipment utilimately found it's way into the hands of those who do appreciate it -- at "market value". It could have been worse.  Demolition, and landfill?

Tragic about his relationship with his son.  We are all familiar with similar circumstances.  It's never easy to dig into the details.

The author presented a balanced approach to Ken's accomplishments.  Well done.