Thanks @hilde45 for the links....and the object lesson of OCD/obsession allowed to become a kudzu that smothers all, including its’ owner.

Most have an obsession of some sort at some level. As pointed out, the successful illustrate that in their varied ways, and sometimes get to share the minus issues it bears when others about them just can’t deal with it anymore.....the current example our X-POTUS, who seems destined to spend the remainder of his life in courtrooms.

Unlike Ken, I don’t feel sorry for him at all....or his family.

Kens’ family? "Woulda’, coulda’, shouda’"...allowed his obsession to dominate their lives as well as his....

Goats like to eat kudzu. If this was realized and put to practice earlier, it might not have become ’the weed that ate the South.’

(An absurdovation to yours unruly to share: Put ’jit’ after Ken, no space....
sound familiar? 12" concrete walls....can’t/won’t share details about his equipment/space....). One can wonder about these things....

I’m a bit ADD/ has some benefits....and its’ drawbacks.

Fortunately, I have too many things that keep me preoccupied, and enough prodding by those about me to not allow me to get stuck on any one item or task.

I trust I’m not, there, and most anywhere suffer to the degree of the late Mr.Fritz.....and, if there be an afterlife beyond this realm of reality....

Don’t seek Ken out...he’ll try to commandeer you to help in tuning the cosmos.

RIP, may be heaven, but it could also be yet another version of hell.

I don't know about obcession.every other night on being at the hospital in a 6 year surgical residency has served me and my patients well.but it has been at at a price to me and my family.corporate has been a determination of medicine when we have the best technology but it ties our hands and won't let us use it .too many deniels by insurance and too much paperwork not just by physicians but by nurses most dislike it. The interview by the jet blue owner was asked why he didn't take meds for his ocd.simply stated would not haVe got much done.our image guided machine to fix brain fluid leaks has revolutionized skull base and sinus surgery.enjoy the music keep healthy.

@carlsbad2 and @p05129 I knew there would likely be those that would respond as the two of you did with personal attacks because you likely see yourselves in what is being presented in the article. I feel sorry for you too.You have no idea my level of success in life; my profession or my athletic/musical abilities for that matter. Life is about balance something the two of you seem to not be able to grasp. I don’t need to brag about my level of income to me that is not what matters most having the love and respect of my wife and children is my most cherished achievement. I put four kids through college, 2 with masters degrees with no student debt attached to any of them, own my home outright. My wife and I take all our kids and grandkids on vacation for 1 week every year without fail to ensure connection remains in tact.When folks quote from how to be successful books I know they probably are not. I’ve never found much use in them other than to enrich the author. A mench is born not made,sorry.But I don’t put down those who did get a Phd I had to grind for mine (building a successful business),thats my story again no need to brag. My words of wisdom are cited from the book of my own life experience and hard work. To some my perspective may present as that of a mediocre loser, I’m ok with that.

This guys life is like a Rorschach test for frequent posters here.  Some who think his obsession was justifiable, and liken him to creative artists who were obsessively driven…and the rest of us.

  I could never justify this guy’s behavior as one would justify Da Vinci or Beethoven.  Creative Artists in a separate category than bibliotheca, stamp collectors, art collectors, and audiophiles.  Matching components and optimizing rooms, supposedly to optimize the reproduction of sounds created by someone else, is not comparable to creating those sounds in the first place.  Book collecting, music collecting, bottle top collecting may be worthwhile hobbies in and of their own, but ultimately they are of less value than what is being collected in the first place.  I would not have wanted to grow up or marry into that family.

  Everyone who knows me thinks that my obsession with sound and music is over the top.  My wife showed me the article on Fritz.  I told her that the value of his life was to make people like me appear sane by way of comparison 


I guess it all depends on your definition of "successful". This guy was successful in building the system of his dreams/everyone else's nightmare, but at the cost of a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with his family. My worry about my record cleaner finally kicking the bucket doesn't get in the way of even the most mundane family matter. My kids are 21 and 23 and I am 100% confident that we will never be estranged. I have a wonderful, honest and comfortable relationship with my wife of 25 years. I have a wide circle of friends, some of which are music/audio enthusiasts, and more which are not. As far as I am concerned, I am a tremendous success. 

If your definition of success is wealth, you have been duped. I think a lot of what we are calling "obsession" is just somebody being a self-absorbed jerk.