15 in full range drivers

I built a pair speakers with 15 in full range drivers that drive easily with a 300B set amp.  With certain music, (vocals) they are beautiful, but other music can be fatiguing.  Wife can only take them at lower volumes.  Added great subs to support the base and the 300 B Set tubes, but I am grappling with just investing in a new pair of speakers that are more well rounded or trying to different DAC's and a Equalizer to help the speakers I have.  I am thinking like one of the speakers from the Klipsch heritage line would be a great way to go.  But getting rid of the ones I made is like putting down a dog that doesn't walk as far as he used to and fells like I am giving up on them.   Do I go with new speakers or keep suffering? LOL.


Have you measured them? Could be a simple frequency spike somewhere. Though being full range could be cone breakup and that is not so easy to fix without adding another driver.

Not sure I would buy the Klipsch heritage speakers looking for low fatigue speakers. I found them a touch harsh at high volumes but I know others on here disagree. 

not sure your budget but these tannoys looks nice. 


I've had fatiguing issues and never was it my speakers.  Not saying it can't be but usually it is a component.  

That said, some speakers are a bit heavy on the high end because older audiophiles, the ones with money, tend to have hearing loss at higher frequencies.


List your complete system (including room size and listening habits) for informed advice.

I have been using wide-band drivers for 20+ years and they are not for everyone/most.



Was just looking at the Lil 15 inch drivers one click before this. Saw a rather favorable review.

As noted above, need more detailed info if you want a helpful response.

Some things need more help than they’re worth, but you’re really the only one that can decide whether to keep working on them or get rid of them. How optimized is the rest of your system, and how much experimenting with placement have you done?

The fact that you used the word "suffering" is a pretty strong hint....so is the fact that your wife doesn’t like them.