Duplicate Serial Numbers

As I was browsing A'Gon, I came across a pair of speakers for sale with the same serial numbers as mine, which I bought from the manufacturer directly. In my experience, serial numbers typically are unique. So, might this be a mistake or could the ones for sale be fakes? I've already written to the manufacturer (have yet to hear back), but was curious as to your opinions. Thanks.


So the manufacturer confirmed that its serial numbers don't guarantee authenticity, because they can potentially duplicated for reason or no reason. 

What brand of speakers? Low end? I assume.


This is the mark of poor manufacturing practices at best. If there are actually two sets on the market which came to light by a random person (no offense to you)… then there are dozens or hundreds on the market. 

Actually, they’re pretty high end. But, I won’t disclose the name for a variety of reasons. I have several pair of speakers though, and hope this isn't a prevalent issue in the speaker world.