McIntosh is now inside a Jeep luxury car.

Is this a good thing for the company? It's a nice looking set up inside the car but it's a Jeep. Couldn't they have found a better partner, maybe jaguar or Mercedes or maybe even a Volvo.


It has been an option on Jeep for the last two years already. The funny thing is that there are no actual blue McIntosh VU meters. They are just images displayed on the center console screen. It's a bargain for a McIntosh product — $2500 option on the 2024 Jeep Cherokee.

I can’t believe this glorified Jeep is a six digit price tag. The inside is very roomy and nice. But it’s as big as a tank and probably uses a ton of gas.


I hate the computerized displays on cars . The simplicity of what used to be a few levers and dials and now I gotta deal with A touchscreen display for every conceivable thing. Who agreed to this nightmarish computerized existence . I remember automatic windows and that was a good thing and they should’ve stopped there.

According to one of the major auto rags, the Jeep brand is the fifth worse brand for reliability problems.  I believe they are in the 30% range.  If I can find the Yahoo article, I will link it.  With that being said and because I hate Chrysler Corp, I won't be purchasing any Mac sound system.  I barely play the Infinity system in my SUV as it is.

Yawn! Not a thing luxury about anything built by Stellantis. 

Would love to fill you in on all the recalls. 

Jeeps reliability record has not been that great, the Mc sound system 

should help sales a bit though.