"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


My words were not aimed at you but at mijostyn...

You dont kill any "hope" for the infinite...

Mijostyn assigned to himself here this task...It is not the first time he confuse his materialist gospel as pure truth ...

He never debate by the way, if he spark debate , he has no arguments for a philosophical debate...


Point taken - understood (teacher). But please let me have my own inner truths, after all the path I choose is mine.


Wow you remind me of something here i listened too when i had 15 years old on my small battery radio ...😊 I had forgot ...



With Otis Redding too in the same years... It was my favorite soul song ...


Wow you remind me of something here i listened too when i had 15 years old on my small battery radio ...😊 I had forgot ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNS6D4hSQdA

You and I probably listened to the same radio station! It was CKLW out of Detroit, Mich. Or Détroit (pronounced De-Twah) in your native French.

You and I probably listened to the same radio station! It was CKLW out of Detroit, Mich. Or Détroit (pronounced De-Twah) in your native French.



In my times there was not so much English radio stations in Quebec ..

I remember the songs i listened too but half the times not the artist name ...

Otis Redding what a so big hit , he was playing all days in this summer...

I remember the words too because they are simple english and i lived the same situation alone on the dock facing St Lawrence river and thinking ...

I listened Smokey Robinson but without knowing him...His silky voice is difficult to forget ...