Happy Birthday Keith Richards.

Keith is 80 today. Who would have thunk?? 


Indeed, the longest living substance abuser. I'd be dead several times over no kiddin

Having watched the Willie Nelson 90th birthday special last night, the reality of aging was on full display. I kept trying to stay awake for "Keef" to come on but gave up. It has to be mostly a matter of genetics to a great degree affected by fortune/misfortune, environment and health habits. I thought Willie looked amazing for 90. Beck looks great for 54. Poor Kris Kristofferson at 87 (health. problems noted) has not fared as well. I could not help but wonder why Roseann Cash got emotional at their duet's end-does she know something?

Keith was great his usual smiling, witty self. He’s aged like fine wine, a guy who you’d now love to hang out with. He did a few numbers on acoustic guitar. Hopefully he'll have many more birthday’s and lots of great music to come. Happy Birthday.

I saw it by accident. He looks healthy enough, but not very nice to look at, but he sounded great, and Willie sounded good too.

Happy 80th Keith. The Willie Nelson special was excellent. All of these guys are lucky to be alive in 2023. Hard living, indeed. Season's Greetings.


Happy Holidays & Listening!